9.2.1 on RPi4: HEVC from TV recording has no playback controls

  • Hi folks,

    just tried 9.2.1 on my RPi 4 2 GB. Thanks for all the work!

    I face a problem: Playing back HEVC .ts files that are recordings of DVB-T2 shows I have no playback controls, i.e. I cannot jump forward or backward. Only control available is stop. Tried a clean install to make sure I had no old clutter, but problem remains.

    If it helps, I can provide example files.

    Thanks for help!


  • What hardware acceleration are you using?..try to change that in player settings..see if it makes any difference.

    Does video skip steps from remote?

    Edited once, last by Mario77 (April 3, 2020 at 5:28 PM).

  • Only setting I was able to find was switch mmal on or off. You mean that one? If so: No effect... If not: Please guide me to the relevant setting. Thanks!

    I also tried hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 in and out of config.txt. No effect, except that with it in my RPi gets unstable! Have no 4K display, so does not bother me...

  • Certainly worth a try, thanks for the input! Any idea how to proceed? Any logs that might make sense to pull?

    Can provide example video for anyone willing to check...

  • Here things are:

    Here's a screenshot of the playback - you can see: Only stop-control is there, no FF/REW or other controls.

    Please note: I'll at some point remove the file again - I in principle have not right to make it available, it is copyright protected. Please only use it for debugging purposes. Thanks!

    Edited 3 times, last by Hauke (August 30, 2020 at 2:11 PM).

  • Maybe better to Post a 10-20sec Clip not an entire recording. You can Cut it without recoding with TS doctor Trial Version for example.



    Edited 2 times, last by Nicolas (August 27, 2020 at 9:24 PM).

  • OK, put the first few minutes (300 MB) online (edited link above).

    Will try examples.


    Interesting... When I run the linked in video, i.e. the 300M excerpt which I just created using

    head -c 300000000 original.ts > part.ts

    I get playback controls! Also, when I use the demo video no prob, but with larger files I consistently have missing controls. What I will do now is create growing sizes of chunks of the original video and see where it breaks down...

    Edited 4 times, last by Hauke (August 30, 2020 at 2:13 PM).

  • OK, put the first few minutes (300 kB) online (edited link above).

    Will try examples.


    Interesting... When I run the linked in video, i.e. the 300K excerpt which I just created using

    head -c 300000 original.ts > part.ts

    I get playback controls! Also, when I use the demo video no prob, but with larger files I consistently have missing controls. What I will do now is create growing sizes of chunks of the original video and see where it breaks down...

    Not sure if this helps...on estuary I only get rewind,pause and play with your recording...on silvo I get all controls..

  • Now I'm at a loss... I have recordings that are 1.4 GB and show no playback controls, but if I create a part as described above of a larger video even a 1.8 GB file shows playback controls. Anyone with an idea what in the original files can confuse the player?