master has color issues on imx6 in video replay (mesa related?)

  • lrusak Sorry my question was not how to get it to the storage or image, I do not know how to start it. Can I start it from the kodi UI? can I start it in an ssh session? do I need to write a systemd file and start it before kodi starts? Or something else?

  • lrusak Sorry my question was not how to get it to the storage or image, I do not know how to start it. Can I start it from the kodi UI? can I start it in an ssh session? do I need to write a systemd file and start it before kodi starts? Or something else?

    rdorsch you will need to do it from ssh. You will need to stop kodi first

    systemctl stop kodi

    ./kmscube -A -D /dev/dri/card0


    ./kmscube -A -D /dev/dri/card1

  • Many thanks, lrusak

    kmscube works without any issue, colors look ok, nothing similar to the colors when playing videos.

    I just double checked (since I upgraded to a newer libreelec build) that the orignal color issue is still there (best illustrated with the video linked in the post from classicCuboxiuser above). I do not believe that it is a performance issue, since there seems to be no dependence on the resolution of the video.

    Do you have any other ideas on either how to repro and analyse the issue with standard tools or debug it?



    Edited once, last by rdorsch (September 13, 2020 at 3:42 PM).

  • Could be to do with the fact that there is no default support for NV12 in mesa for etnaviv (last I checked it didn't merge).

    I have a patch somewhere to enable YUYV output instead which etnaviv natively supports. This is the only other thing I can think of really.

  • Hi rdorsch ,

    Thank you for reviving this thread and sorry for not replying quicker. I didn't receive the notification either. I guess I need to find the e-mail settings.

    If it helps I can try to apply those patches and test. Maybe @Irusak did it already ?

  • thundy Feel free to test, I would have hoped, that lrusak confirms that this is at least the right patch before I have a look onto it. It would also be an option to reach out to the mesa community, but I know almost nothing on these topics (just learnt that YUV was used for TVs to support b&w and color TVs with the same signal).