I would like to monitor my Raspberry Pi running LibreElec in Grafana. On other devices I can install telegraf to do this. How can I install telegraf on libreelec?
I would like to monitor my Raspberry Pi running LibreElec in Grafana. On other devices I can install telegraf to do this. How can I install telegraf on libreelec?
I have every other device running with telegraf so was hoping to pipe all data into influxdb. I have telegraf running in a docker container on the raspberry pi device that is running libreelec. But it only shows the stats inside the container not of the libreelec host.
Does netdata in docker only show the stats inside the container - not of the host - when running in docker container?
Running the install command on libreelec gives the following error:
LibreELEC:~ # bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart.sh)
-sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
LibreELEC:~ #
I tried running it on ubuntu and the same command works fine.
Did you ever find a good solution to this?
LibreELEC does not support any of the social media tools, really. Those are all outside the scope of the Kodi project.
Telegraf is a metrics/monitoring tool for IoT platforms. It has nothing to do with social media - I think you're conofusing with Telegram.
you can download the package "Linux Binaries (ARM)" from telegraf download page which is a zip file containing all needed files.
I used just the binary and config file and moved these into a new directory "~/telegraf" and delete all other files/folders from the zip. running it like /storage/telegraf/telegraf --config /storage/telegraf/telegraf.conf works perfectly fine and can be started through autostart.sh