What is wrong with addons.libreelec.tv ?

  • My SD card broke so I made a fresh install of Libreelec. But I can't use the Libreelec repository to download Tvheaded to watch TV.

    "Could not connect to Repository." - the connection at first is super slow as if timing out

    So I thought maybe I could use a mirror or change the minor version to download the addons. But there are no mirrors and no version seems to be working.

    This is from my addon.xml : addons.xml.gz . As you can see it's not some weird version and my ISP is also not crooked.

    I tried to use all sorts of different links for different versions and boxes, and none are working.





    ad so forth

    The server addons.libreelec.tv seems to be faulty. It takes 30 seconds to respond at all and always gives "403 Forbidden" to any request without any directory listing.

    Is it working for you? What alternate links could I use to download tvheaded?

  • Are there even addons for S905? I think not. Other links are working.

    Really? Because I always get a 403 Forbidden page no matter what link I use (RPi, 905, H3, XYZ, ...).

    So what is the issue here with the server?

    Can someone confirm that the other links are working?

    Or provide a working link for some 9.1 ARM?

  • OK, the server is in fact working!

    It's just very oddly behaving as if defective, with huge TLS handshake delay and giving 403 forbidden once you use any sort of recent browser. But with wget, it works.

    Why are the 905 directories completely gone? Someone deleted them ... great.

    I am going to try Khadas VIM addon directory now, since my TV box is basically like the ultra deluxe premium version of Khadas VIM.


    Ok so nothing worked, see my post here: LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

    I managed to get my box working again by using a full dump of the SD card from February, which I initially thought was corrupted. In that dump I had already downloaded the TVHeadend addon from the now defunct 905 directory on the Libreelec server... and also a few other plugins like docker, I believe.

    Hopefully the Libreelec addon server will be restored soon or the old files released to be put on an archive server.

    It would also be great to have at least one mirror for the files to prevent this problem.

    OMG I just tried with my backup installation restored and addons.xml.gz is working again! I don't know if that's just random with the server bugging out, but thanks!

    Edited 2 times, last by ballerburg9005 (October 10, 2019 at 10:16 PM).