Plot and Cast for TV Shows

  • excluding the database file

    Then maybe a database entry is missing on the LE installation, and the add-on can't write into it.

    I don't know the database type (MySQL etc.), but there are tools to read those files (MySQL workbench etc.).

    If you really want to invest the time, compare the database files by using appropriate tools, and eventually add missing entries.

  • Then maybe a database entry is missing on the LE installation, and the add-on can't write into it.

    I don't know the database type (MySQL etc.), but there are tools to read those files (MySQL workbench etc.).

    If you really want to invest the time, compare the database files by using appropriate tools, and eventually add missing entries.

    For the amount of times that I have installed LE I am 100% certain that it's not a DB problem. I can't get every LE installation wrong and all the Windows installations right. Just today alone I've installed LE over 4 times regarding another issue. I also tested it today with 3 TV show series (Blue Bloods, Hooten & the Lady and Strange Things) The cast did not show in those either. I have tested this to the max of my ability and I have not gained any head way so far. I have asked the developers on the Kodi forums and was instructed to post it here, but I can't get any of them to let me know if it will be addressed because I am sure they have more important issues to deal with, which seems reasonable.


  • For the amount of times that I have installed LE I am 100% certain that it's not a DB problem. I can't get every LE installation wrong and all the Windows installations right.

    I don't think it's an installation problem. The DB file will be created and edited after the installation. The point is, it will be created/edited in different ways, because the implementation of the TVDB scraper add-on is different on Windows and Linux. That's why my suggestion is to use a DB tool to have a look inside the DB files. Maybe a DB column is missing, and the add-on can't write into it.

    A possible cause is that the DB format (columns etc.) can change from one add-on version to the next. If the developer forgot to do the DB update, then the add-on update is incomplete, and can produce errors like yours.

  • Hi All,

    I am still inquiring about the TV episode Cast not being displayed when I press info. If I go directly from the Main Menu in the the TV Show media view, and then play an episode, the Cast never shows, only the Plot. If however, I go directly to Videos > Files > Source, Season and play an episode from there, then I can use the "info" button on my remote and it works perfectly. I am just trying to figure out if there is some way I can get this to work. I've provided a small video to show exactly what I mean.

    Video clip

    Thank you in advance.


  • Thanks for the video. It makes me think that the DB is not the problem. Instead the LE player loads different data from the DB (cast, no cast), depending on where it's started from. So this time my advice is to write a bug report for the LE player, not for the DB add-on.

    Thanks for the response Da Flex. Can you guide as to how and where I would submit that bug report, as I've never done it before?

