Is there an addon for syncing files/folders from cloud storage?

  • I don't know if there is an addon for syncing files/folders from cloud storage.

    I've tried many dockers about megacmd/megasync without success. I see there is Duplicati docker in official Linuxserver repo but as I understand it's for backup to Mega cloud only.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Thanks for pointing that out.

    However I just turned to Debian docker instead and then installed and run Megacmd inside that. So far so good.

  • You could try rclone - rclone mega

    Get rclone for LE by following This

    Thanks for the guide.

    This works too but not as I expected.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong. The command "rclone sync" will only activate sync mode just one time. It can't run as backgroud process to auto detect and sync all the time, right?

    I use mega-sync command in Megacmd to aotometically sync my files/folder.

    Thanks for your installation tutorial. It's very useful. Maybe I can try other cloud storage too.