delayed Autostart Kodi

  • HELLO,

    i use libreelec for my kodi setup.

    i create a epg file and changed the as follow :

    wget http://XXXX:XXXXX@XXXXX/guide-zatoo.xml -O /storage/.kodi/userdata/guide-zatoo.xml

    i download a 20MB file for my EPG on autostart, but i had the problem its to slow for the autostart, i tested it with a 9MB file that works great.

    Kodi checks on startup is the file "guide-zatoo.xml" available, and the pvr addon use it.

    can i make a sleep or wait or something of 10 seconds, that he can download the file and then kodi starts?


  • You can delay when runs, but you cannot control when it finishes or the sequence with Kodi start.

    If you move commands to a systemd .service file in /storage/.config/system.d/ you can control the sequencing, e.g.

    I won't guarantee this ^ will work as I'm no systemd expert, but "" ensures the network is up, and then "" ensures it runs before Kodi startup.

  • You can delay when runs, but you cannot control when it finishes or the sequence with Kodi start.

    If you move commands to a systemd .service file in /storage/.config/system.d/ you can control the sequencing, e.g.

    I won't guarantee this ^ will work as I'm no systemd expert, but "" ensures the network is up, and then "" ensures it runs before Kodi startup.

    thx for the reply.

    is this on only libreelec kompatible?

    i want to use this on my firetv too.

    there i only can use the autostart file ( of Kodi, is this in the "" compatible?

  • i want to use this on my firetv too.

    there i only can use the autostart file ( of Kodi, is this in the "" compatible?

    Try this

    wget http://XXXX:XXXXX@XXXXX/guide-zatoo.xml -O /storage/.kodi/userdata/guide-zatoo.xml
    systemctl restart kodi

    PS: Should be guide-zattoo.xml, maybe spelling error on your code.