I tried to create a µSD card for RPI3 under W7 and i got the following message from the USB-SD creator:
{Une erreur est survenue lors du vérouillage du volume.Erreur 5: 捁敲畦മ↡ⅺք谀ā"}
message from SD creator: erreur: couldn't open k:\
The only possibility is to kill the application.
k:\ is obviously the drive number associated to the µSD card reader slot
I dowloaded twice the SD creator in case of download corruption error (LibreELEC.USB-SD.Creator.Win32.exe)
I run the SD creator in admin mode
I tried the image LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.0.2.img.gz
config PC
I3 2100
8GB memory
W7 64bits
target µSD card 32GB EVO SAMSUNG
No pb to read/write this SD card with W7 Explorer or in a Phone with Android
read speed 20MB/s, Write speed 9MB/s
Any idea ?