Over 2000 Movies but they all lack details

  • Hi,

    I've just fully reinstalled after continually upgrading from 7.x to 9.x

    Upon doing so, I searched again for all my movies - expecting it to pull all the details down, but sadly, this didn't happen and I have to manually, update each and every movie. With 2057 movies available this, as you can imagine, will take a freaking long time.

    Does anyone have any ideas how I can over come this?

    I am using all the default settings and yet, it fails after just pulling down a few movies.



  • Something must have gone sideways during the upgrade.

    Can you start with providing the kodi.log file for more details?

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • Have You tried 'Universal Movie Scraper' addon?

    It's pretty easy configure and flexible regardless if You prefer IMDB or TMDB.

    Scraping should go quite quickly (of course 2000+ movies will still take a while... :cool:) .

  • Have You tried 'Universal Movie Scraper' addon?

    It's pretty easy configure and flexible regardless if You prefer IMDB or TMDB.

    Scraping should go quite quickly (of course 2000+ movies will still take a while... :cool:) .

    I've used this and I get the very same result irrespective of IM/TM.. DB.

  • I think 2057 movies are very large amount, How is your internet speed? and for movies with wrong details can you go to the The Movie Database (TMDb) site and check the name of movie and if it's exist on the site or not! or with the same name and structure?

    My internet speed is more than sufficient to accommodate downloading 4k movies in a hour so title updates etc. are a walk in the park.

    I use Sonarr and Radarr for my movies and this takes care of the titles and renaming. Previously it has worked. but stopped somewhere in 8.x I forget which. So, for 9.x I simply made a clean install hoping that the problem was software related and would go away... sadly, it didn't.

  • Use an external .nfo scraper and run it on your library, let it write the .nfo files and only then add the movies to Kodi as usual. On a Mac I use the tinyMediaManager (it's cross-platform, so Windows and Linux are catered as well) and it does a much better job than any scraper.

  • I had a quick look at the log. Most of the error messages relate to the inability to get the music directory on you NFS share.

    Is this still the correct path? No recent IP changes?


    Can you confirm you can access the NFS share using a laptop or phone?

    Pretty much all of the Warning messages state they're skipping the directories with your videos because they don't exist:

    WARNING: Process directory 'nfs://' does not exist - skipping scan.

    Can you play the videos via Kodi? Can you confirm you can access this directory using a phone or laptop?

    At the bottom there are a few examples of no info found but the bulk are warnings like the above.

  • My internet speed is more than sufficient to accommodate downloading 4k movies in a hour so title updates etc. are a walk in the park.

    I use Sonarr and Radarr for my movies and this takes care of the titles and renaming. Previously it has worked. but stopped somewhere in 8.x I forget which. So, for 9.x I simply made a clean install hoping that the problem was software related and would go away... sadly, it didn't.

    There are significant scraper differences between Kodi v17 and v18 - the main one being the default scrapers use a different DB site. And just because you've got a super-fast connection doesn't mean the DB websites don't throttle their responses to ensure manageable load on their web tiers (and they do this). The scraping experience in v18 is quite a bit slower than v17 but there is nothing you or we (or Kodi) can do about that. The main goal was to continue have a scraping experience (instead of no scraping).

  • The address for the music is correct and that functions fine.

    As for the movies - yes - I play everything from there and I've no idea why it references things long since deleted.

  • There are significant scraper differences between Kodi v17 and v18 - the main one being the default scrapers use a different DB site. And just because you've got a super-fast connection doesn't mean the DB websites don't throttle their responses to ensure manageable load on their web tiers (and they do this). The scraping experience in v18 is quite a bit slower than v17 but there is nothing you or we (or Kodi) can do about that. The main goal was to continue have a scraping experience (instead of no scraping).

    That may well be the case, but why when an individual movie is added, 'Dragged Across Concrete' it does not update upon being added from Radarr. I've to manually do this and it all works fine. But doing this for 2000+ movies is a bit time consuming and previously, despite it taking a while, it would work. Now it doesn't do it anymore and each movie requires individually being hit. Something changed in the 8.x build at some point - when it stopped - and since then... nada!

    Edited once, last by snazmeister (March 23, 2019 at 1:39 PM).

  • So, tried again from scratch - all damn day... (just erased entire configuration and not reinstalled)

    Adding my NFS shares again as prescribed here ( https://libreelec.wiki/how_to/mount_network_share?s[]=nfs#tab__nfs )

    Ensured all permissions were as they should be on the files - ruling out a permissions issue on individual entries

    Enabled logging, added the required share and let it scan... using Universal Movie Scraper.

    It hasn't got past 'A' yet but seems a lot better.

    What did I do prior to this...

    1) find . -type f -iname \*.nfo -delete

    2) find . -type f -iname \*.jpg -delete

    3) chown across all files recursively to ensure that all files were owned by the same user/group

    4) I turned off the damn metadata settings in Sonarr and Radarr (they made their own .nfo files and that seemed to be the blame)

    5) Enabled SMB - never got around to using this but likely faster than NFSv3

    6) On my NAS I enabled Squash to map all users to admin (but I'll likely turn this off)

    7) Found numerous freaking bugs in Radarr - however all unrelated to this

    And after 40 minutes it still is pushing through 'A' and seems to be happier. If anyone is interested, debugging is on and I'll share an updated file - via Google Drive again - it is sizeable already! I'll leave it for a few hours and 'see what happens' before I close this issue out.

    Edited 2 times, last by snazmeister (March 24, 2019 at 8:30 AM).