small error in NFS mount instructions

  • hi folks - on setup network shares > nfs steps 4 and 5 say to test and enable with the/full/path/to-the-mount-file, but this does not work (step 7 is right)

    systemctl start /storage/.config/system.d/storage-recordings.mount

    systemctl enable /storage/.config/system.d/storage-recordings.mount

    Edited once, last by zosky: fixed the link (February 7, 2019 at 1:15 AM).

  • There is a wrong path template in

    Mount Network Share

    SMB Shares


    Create the .mount file:



    nano /storage/.config/system.d/storage-recordings.mount

    the directory for storage-recordings.mount

    should be:


  • The tilde character "~" represents (and is replaced with) the users home directory in GNU/Linux.

    For example a user named jsmith would likely have a home directory called /home/jsmith

    Normally the root user has a home directory of / but on LibreELEC the root user has a home directory of /storage

  • Thank you for your fast responses.

    After SSH login as root I find myself in the /storage directory with the prompt

    LibreELEC (official): 10.95.0 (RPi2.arm)

    <device>:~ #

    As I was not aware of being already in in the /storage directory I wrongly followed the first step of the wiki which instructs to:


    Connect to your LibreELEC HTPC with SSH.

    mkdir /storage/recordings

    So I erroneously created a /storage/storage/recordings directory.

    For me an instruction like:

    ~ # mkdir /recordings

    and in step 2 accordingly:

    ~ # nano /.config/system.d/storage-recordings.mount

    or the gedakc hint:


    Normally the root user has a home directory of / but on LibreELEC the root user has a home directory of /storage

    would have been more helpful.
    It also would have saved me and you some time, if I found the reason for my misunderstanding by myself and if I had studied other parts of the the well written and inviting wiki more thoroughly before configuring the network share and writing this comment.