MySQL Database in 7.90.004 doesn't work

  • Hey there,

    the automatic synchronisation via mySQL does not work in the latest alpha version for rpi2 of libreelec. I use the same advancedsettings.xml as on my Mac (Kodi alpha) and my second rpi (libreelec 8.0), but the log says that it cannot find the mySQL database.

    It is not a network problem because I can play all the movies on my NAS using Kodis filebrowser.

    Kind regards

    Edited once, last by ryman (August 30, 2016 at 10:21 AM).

  • I am using Kodi Krypton v17 Beta 1 on my mac. Wait for network option is enabled.

    There a tons of these messages in 01_KODI.log

    13:56:10  61.760685 T:1962635264   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic60 [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (113))

    Edited once, last by ryman (August 30, 2016 at 9:05 PM).

  • I am using Kodi Krypton v17 Beta 1 on my mac. Wait for network option is enabled.

    There a tons of these messages in 01_KODI.log

    13:56:10  61.760685 T:1962635264   ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic60 [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (113))

    so your videodatabase works but not your music? can you paste full log
    and does it work with a normal mysql client?

  • I tried to connect from the raspberry to my mysql server using telnet and it worked without any problems. If I am using an other SD Card with the latest Libreelec 7 everything works great.

    My my.cnf-file:
    bind-adress =

  • I have the same problem you have.

    The problem seems to ly in the fact its not loading the hostname from the config.

    as for my my config format is


    where the error my RPI gives is

    11:37:40 18.293171 T:1961963520 ERROR: Unable to open database: Kodi_music60 [1045](Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES))
    same goes for video

  • I have an Intel NUC and I am having the same problem (latest Libreelec, installed yesterday). When I boot Kodi I have no movie-database while the log is saying:

    ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos99 [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (101))

    The database is running fine and I am not using name resolution as I entered the IP address into the advancedsettings.xml. I have enabled the "Wait for network"-option but I think it still does not wait long enough.
    When I kill Kodi with "killall -9 kodi.bin" then it will restart with same settings but now the mysql database works fine. So for me it looks like a timing problem on boot, no?
    Well, it seems I have it working now: The default 10 seconds delay was just not enough it seems (naughty NUC being too fast). I have increased it to 30 seconds and now MySQL seems to be working reliably. Too bad to lose >10 seconds when booting because of this :(

    Edited once, last by vbs (October 3, 2016 at 12:05 PM).