After upgrading my HTPC from OE 6.0.3 to LE 7.0.2, the Proftpd addon (version 6.0.1) will not start.
When attempting to start the service from the CLI, I receive the following error:
LibreELEC:~/.kodi/temp # proftpd.start
proftpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
LibreELEC:~/.kodi/temp #
I was not able to find this file anywhere on the system so I guess that it was included in OE but not in LE.
LibreELEC:/ # find -name
find: ./proc/6194: No such file or directory
LibreELEC:/ #
Figured it out, thanks to matsalka and this thread about rutorrent.
I just had to create symbolic links to the libraries and restart the service.