Issues - sluggish NUC6CAYH and IR issues

  • I bought a NUC6CAYH recently to upgarde from my old DN2820FYKH. I am facing 2 issues and would love to have some help/feedback from users here :)

    The NUC has the latest BiOS + S3, S4, S5 power enabled.

    The NUC is installed on a power socket that I totally switch off every night. The next day, when switching on the power socket, NUC IR won't respond at all. I need to use the NUC power button for the 1st boot. I have tried many different options in Bios and still not found a way to have it right!

    Also, when doing that 1st boot to start the NUC/OpeneELEC LibreELEC, one of the 4 processors is at almost 100% resulting in a sluggish interface. I need to restart OpeneELEC LibreELEC at least once in order to have a normal setup. I was suspecting some kind of virus, so I reinstall everything from scratch. I got the same issue!

    Anyone facing this or having any idea?



    Edited 2 times, last by didjean: I wrote OpenELEC by mistake. It's LibreELEC of course ;-) (December 1, 2018 at 8:40 AM).

  • Which version of LibreElec are you running ? I have 2 NUCs a NUC 5I7RYH and NUC 8i7BEH and am not seeing the CPU issue. You could try SSHing into the NUC when the CPU us high, do a top command and see what process is running high. I am looking into my CIR remote being sluggish in responding intermittently with \my new NUC 8i7BEH running the latest RC1 code,

    Edited once, last by jbinkley60 (December 1, 2018 at 12:37 AM).

  • I have 2 NUCs a NUC 5I7RYH and NUC 8i7BEH and am not seeing the CPU issue

    I doubt OpenELEC would even boot properly on your 8th gen NUC. OpenELEC hasn't been developed for more than 1.5 years and lacks recent new system and driver upgrades.

    I need to restart OpenELEC at least once in order to have a normal setup. I was suspecting some kind of virus, so I reinstall everything from scratch.

    OpenELEC and LibrELEC have a Linux read-only system setup. The only way you can have virus-like problems is when you install shady 3rd party repositories and add-ons.

  • I am running 8.2.5 on my NUC model 5I7RYH and the RC1 candidate on my NUC model 8i7BEH. I am seeing the sluggish IR responses on the NUC 8i7BEH. which has the latest 0051 BIOS. I am going to move that SSD over to the older hardware and see if the problem follows the build or stays with the hardware. FYI on the NUCs you can also update the BIOS via F7 in the BIOS with the bio file without needing the Windows updater. Intel isn't good about communicating that on their website.

  • I moved my RC1 build to my old NUC 5I7RYH and saw no issues with the IR responsiveness. On the new NUC 8i7BEH it is intermittently sluggish and stalls at times. I suspect my issue may be related to how new the hardware is and whether LibreElec has the most current Intel drivers or something else. I've tried two versions of BIOS, including the latest, and it persists I am going to install another SSD in the NUC and do a Windows 10 / Kodi build and see how things go with the IR receiver .

  • Thx JB! That's very interesting. What is strange on my side is that the NUC6CAY is already quite an old model. But the bios might be a root cause. I'll re-try to downgrade with an even older version. I didn't expereince the issue when I bought it 4 months ago.

  • So my issue is definitely BIOS or hardware related. Actually it appears to be distance related with the NUC 8i7BEH. I loaded Windows and Kodi and am seeing generally the same thing except I have found that if I move the remote control to within 6 feet it works consistently but further than that it starts to get sluggish. I don';t know if there is some type of sensitivity setting on these. I am going to dig around Intel's website. I also ordered a separate USB IR receiver. I'll try that and see how it works. I'll also reinstall the LibreElec SSD in the new NUC and try the distance testing.

  • So my issue is definitely BIOS or hardware related. Actually it appears to be distance related with the NUC 8i7BEH. I loaded Windows and Kodi and am seeing generally the same thing except I have found that if I move the remote control to within 6 feet it works consistently but further than that it starts to get sluggish. I don';t know if there is some type of sensitivity setting on these. I am going to dig around Intel's website. I also ordered a separate USB IR receiver. I'll try that and see how it works. I'll also reinstall the LibreElec SSD in the new NUC and try the distance testing.

    There are other threads about the newer Intel NUC's lack of IR responsiveness. Here's one: NUC7PJYH CIR working poorly |Intel Communities

  • Thanks. These look very similar. I did go ahead and post a new thread on the Intel Community forum to see what they say. I've also ordered a USB IR receiver. I'll see how it works. I also previously had an Intel NUC 6i5SYH that I used for an HTPC for a short while. It didn't exhibit the CIR issues. Based upon the forum comments and threads this seems to have started with the 7th gen and higher units.

  • Well, I have once again tried to downgrade to an older BIOS version. At first sight it was absolutely the same. Suddently, I got inspired! I switched off totally (removed the plug) and then switched on. It's now working - no more sluggish interface and IR !

    The only thing I still can't do is to use my remote to start my NUC when S5/Switch Off/ON (removing the plug). If anyone has the same NUC and it works, could you please let me know what version of BIOS you are using. It's also most probably related to that!

    I'll carry on some tests tomorrow...

    Edited once, last by didjean (December 5, 2018 at 9:26 AM).