Tnds82 - Repository

  • Hello

    I have put here the access to my repository where you have versions OScam, Tvheadend, Minisatip and Plex Media Server updated as I am getting.

    I also have an addon created by me "Tvhwizard" that in Portugal is very used for the configuration of Tvheadend and Oscam through Kodi

    Hope you like it


  • Two comments:

    You are free to use our project logo to indicate compatibility with our distro (fair use) but we are not your "partner" so please remove our logo and the Kodi Logo from that section of the website - or simply remove the whole section since I'm confident the Raspberry Pi Foundation and WeTek are not your partners either. I'll leave this thread for 24h to allow for changes. If no change, it will be trashed.

    Also, in the world of Kodi "Wizards" are frequently associated with Piracy so it would be a good idea to provide links to sources for your addon under a FOSS license so the code can be openly inspected for security and privacy issues.


  • Good chewitt

    Thanks for the first comment. And I apologize for having entered as a partner, it has already been removed.

    In relation to the second comment, I am sincere I did not understand very well what you wanted to say, if you can help me thank you enough.

    I don't want to harm anyone in any way, I just want to help like so many others here

    The addon that I created just helps to configure tvheadend in a simpler way with both oscam and oscam. Placing a list of channels as the logos

    Thank you

    • PLEX MEDIA SERVER does NOT work on Raspberry Pi 4B ( 4Gb), please fix it.

      ● service.plexmediaserver.service - Plex Media Server

      Loaded: loaded (/storage/.kodi/addons/service.plexmediaserver/system.d/service.plexmediaserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)

      Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2019-07-03 14:40:54 CEST; 13min ago

      Process: 489 ExecStart=/bin/sh -c exec sh /storage/.kodi/addons/service.plexmediaserver/bin/pms.start (code=exited, status=134)

      Main PID: 489 (code=exited, status=134)

      Jul 03 14:40:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: service.plexmediaserver.service: Service RestartSec=5s expired, scheduling restart.

      Jul 03 14:40:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: service.plexmediaserver.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3.

      Jul 03 14:40:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Stopped Plex Media Server.

      Jul 03 14:40:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: service.plexmediaserver.service: Start request repeated too quickly.

      Jul 03 14:40:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: service.plexmediaserver.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

      Jul 03 14:40:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Failed to start Plex Media Server.

  • Hello tnds82 ,

    First, I would like to thank you for your effort.

    I might need some help with the configuration (CoreELEC 9.2.0 and 9.2.118 version for PMS) because the server is not visible. From what I know, I have to login on the server as well, but I do not see any option to do that.

    Edited once, last by amv22 (October 7, 2019 at 1:48 PM).

  • Is your repository still online? I can install it but trying to install any addon in the repo gives me a failure. I am running LibreElec and am trying to get the latest version of Plex Media Server for my arm device.

  • Is your repository still online? I can install it but trying to install any addon in the repo gives me a failure.

    Every installation fails except the Thoradia repository. He needs to update the repo and host it on Github in uncompressed format, so Kodi can check for updated add-ons properly. But it may not matter since everything except Plex Media Server (PMS) is now available in the LibreELEC repository.

  • It appears that the packages are no longer available.

    2020-04-15 09:43:05.606 T:140168421938944   ERROR: Requested path not found in known repository directories
    2020-04-15 09:43:05.606 T:140168421938944   ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[service.plexmediaserver]: failed to resolve addon install source path
    2020-04-15 09:43:32.868 T:140170372880512 WARNING: CGUIWindowManager - HandleAction - ignoring action 107, because topmost modal dialog closing animation is running
    2020-04-15 09:43:33.006 T:140167854757632 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    2020-04-15 09:43:33.006 T:140167854757632   ERROR: Requested path not found in known repository directories
    2020-04-15 09:43:33.006 T:140167854757632   ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[service.tnds82]: failed to resolve addon install source path