Problem resolution

  • Hello, I have a problem, I installed(settled) libreelec on the screen of the computer the display(posting) is good but when I connect him(it) hdmi there (on a big tv) he(it) there 2 black bands(strips) to the right and below. When I reduces the resolution, bands(strips) become bigger. I tried to change the zoom in kodi but nothing changes. The regulations of the tv seem good.

    Excuse I for English, I am French.

    Thank you in advance good day

  • Well, it's an interesting problem. But so far we have no idea of which hardware you are using, and which video card (if applicable). For now, I'm guessing you have a small/partial Kodi display on to a full TV screen. (Screenshots are welcome).

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • I had a resolution problem too after using LibreELEC at Raspberry Pi (3B+) for some tests on a DVI monitor. noemin, which hardware do you use?

    After a DVI session it had problems to use the (previously found and used) HDMI resolutions. The Raspberry Pi was booting in VGA mode on my HDMI TV. Some reboots, resolution changes and firmware updates (not sure what it was) solved the problem. Now the HDMI resolutions of the TV are detected right again, and it starts with the selected mode.

    I think it's a bug on LibreELEC. It doesn't detect the proper resolutions when changing from DVI back to HDMI.

  • I have found a hot fix for this bug, but it's ugly. <X

    The problem is that it always boots in VGA mode after a DVI session. Later on boot process - if you are lucky - it will switch to the selected user HDMI resolution. I think the initial VGA mode is the reason for a bad detection of HDMI modes. Not all possible TV resolutions and/or refresh rates will be found.

    A "Soft Reset" or a "Hard Reset" made from the system settings menu will not solve problem - initial VGA mode will stay.

    The only solution for me was to rewrite my MicroSD card with a new LibreELEC image. That will make the initial HDMI boot resolution (720p / 50Hz) work again. All possible TV resolutions and refresh rates will be found, too.

    Maybe somebody should report this as an official bug.

  • Clean install.

    Connect the DVI monitor

    SSH in and run:

    cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml | paste

    cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | paste


    Connect the HDMI panel

    Boot up

    SSH in and run:

    cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml | paste

    cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | paste

    Share the four URL's generated by the | paste command.

  • The bug appeared again.:cry:

    I am still using the same LibreELEC installation 8.90.005, which had a DVI session before. The first runs after going back to HDMI worked fine: no initial VGA mode, and all HDMI modes detected. I guess my theory is wrong: a DVI session is not the reason for the bug.

    The bug appeared after a shutdown while playing a video stream (MLB TV). I guess it breaks the GUI settings, and forces the initial VGA mode on any further boot. I trigger the shutdown (command "shutdown -h now") by using my power button (see python script). Results when shutting down from SSH should be the same.

    Here are the desired file contents to do a bug report:

    Taken from a running DVI session:

    (just to complete the task, I think it doesn't matter for the bug)



    Taken from a running HDMI session:

    (initial VGA mode, not all proper HDMI modes for TV found)



  • I'm trying to solve the same problem. This worked on OpenElec but not LibreELec.

    The link below has a pic showing the issue, and a way to resolve it. I proceeded to make a xorg.conf file like they said. Transferring it over ssh successfully. That solution doenst work on LibreElec.

    Picture top-left corner · Issue #3203 · OpenELEC/ · GitHub

    fritsch commented on May 9, 2014 <~~ resolution about half way down the page.

    I'm installing on an old laptop.


    Intel I3 M330@ 2.13

    4 Gb Ram

    GPU Mesa DRI Intel Ironlake Mobile

    Libreelec 8.2.5

  • It's 100% not a cable issue. I just today had openelec running just fine. With the modified xorg.conf file. Clean install of LibreElec and I'm back to a quarter screen. The previous link was someone else who had a similar problem.

  • It's 100% not a cable issue. I just today had openelec running just fine. With the modified xorg.conf file. Clean install of LibreElec and I'm back to a quarter screen. The previous link was someone else who had a similar problem.

    Yes, this is no cable issue for sure. The expected screen modes are in your xorg.conf file, and the screen modes you actually get are in your guisettings.xml file (whitelist part). So, there is a difference. Can you post both files, please? Which resolution / vertical frequency do you use when you get a too small display?

  • I ran a command from another thread last night... Now i don't remember it. It didn't do anything visible, but this morning i started up the server (I normally leave it on, but was still troubleshooting) And it booted into full screen on the TV.

    The command was something like: xrandr --output LVDS --off, xrandr --output HDMI-0 --mode 0x60

    Either way, it works and I'm happy about it. I have the xorg.conf file in place as shown from my above link. I removed the first section called radeon. I attached it for others to try.

    no more quarter screen


    P.S. I renamed it so there is no TXT