Rpi 3 with LE 8.2.3, runs great but no track of time where I was last in the video?

  • Hi, why doesent my Rpi3 keep track where I was last in a movie? If I stop the playback at 35 minutes and turn power off after watching a movie, next time I power up my Rpi3 an want to continue watching the same movie it always starts from beggining...

    Have only tried .iso files so far.... but Im sure it was same with blurayfolders(.mpls), havent tried MKV:s yet...

    Is it something I need to enable in the settings

  • When you properly stop a video first, it will write the resume time into its database.

    If you yank the power cable out of the RPi3 right away, no such data will be written.

    Other than that, you may have a database problem.

    Provide a kodi.log file via a pastebin website near you, and we can have a look.

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • I stop a movie with "stop button" next to pause

    Dont know why but when I played around with both: Play and resume for Default select action in System - Media settings - Videos, Now the Bluray folders(.mpls) and .iso files are working, but NOT MKV files, any thoughts?

  • If you have 100 files in a scraped source and then add a new source with 100 more files, and use the Videos (non-library file browser) view to move around and play things; only the 100 files that have previously been scraped will support resume. Unless you scrape a media file to the library there is no corresponding DB entry for file state to be saved against. If you browse media via the Movies/TVShows library views you will always get resume points because (by definition) everything's in the DB.

    ^ not an authoritative statement, but an educated hunch on what's happening.

  • have to learn how to do log files, will post it when I have leraned it, if I dont managed to find out what is the cause.

    I only play internal videos directly from usb stick

    tried more last night, it seems eveything is working with resume except this one mkv file, maybee its the file that is wrong in some way, will test other mkv file later..