I'm trying to add a setting to the service.libreelec.settings plugin, but I can't find a great way to test changes. Patching into the LibreELEC build process takes forever just to test small changes, is there a better way to do it?

Adding a setting to LibreELEC
evertiro -
June 21, 2018 at 6:23 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Add the following to /storage/.config/autostart.sh:
Codemount --bind /storage/bind/service.libreelec.settings /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings
Reboot, and now you have read/write access to the addon. Most of the Python code is compiled, so you'll need to copy any source code you wish to test into the /storage/bind/service.libreelec.settings directory.
Perfect! Thanks!
- Official Post
libreelec-generic.x86_64-8.2.5.ova is also handy for running LE locally on a laptop; import to vmware and then expand the disk to size and set RAM/CPU then boot.
Oooh I hadn't seen a virtualized version yet. That's handy indeed!