[Wetek Play] Unable to upgrade from LE 7.0.2 to LE 7.90.004

  • Helly guys,

    I installed LE 7.0.2 to internal NAND.
    Today I tried updating to Alpha 4. First I used the img.gz package and stored it in the update dir.
    After reboot i got the message that SYSTEM or KERNEL is missing.

    So I tried the package to install to internal NAND after the android robot did his job my box rebooted and all I see is the libreelec splash image and nothing happens.

    I suspect that the splash screen my be hiding some helpfull messages, is there a way to disable the splash screen?

    Any help is greatly appreciated

    Edited once, last by svend (August 12, 2016 at 12:15 PM).

  • I found something similar when attempting to update my RPi3 from 7.90.003 to 7.90.004, either via the automatic update function or using the CLI wget command. The file being downloaded to the /storage/.update directory was a mere 175 bytes in length. Upon rebooting the RPi the same "missing System or Kernel" message was displayed and the update would not complete. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that there's a truncated file in the mirror to which my download was pointed.

    I solved this by downloading the 7.90.004 file, LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.90.004.img.gz (your distro will be different for the Wetek system), unzipping the file and copying the resultant file to the /storage/.update folder and rebooting. The upgrade completed without further issue.

  • I solved this by downloading the 7.90.004 file, LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.90.004.img.gz (your distro will be different for the Wetek system), unzipping the file and copying the resultant file to the /storage/.update folder and rebooting. The upgrade completed without further issue.

    You don't even need to unzip it, LE will do this.

  • Here are some News on the Topic.

    I double checked, that I used the correct files.
    Before the update I had a self compiled version running, as I the update failed I made a clean install of LE 7.0.2. Just in case I messed something up.
    So I guess the NAND should be nearly empty.

    I let the box alone for a while (about 15 or 20 minutes). As i returned I got a message on the screen stating "unable to mount /dev/data"
    And giving me a debug shell.

    Manually mounting /dev/data to /storage fails with "invalid argument"

    I gathered some hopefully usefull output.

    I made another clean install of 7.0.2 to gather "df -h" output, busybox does not support "-h".

  • I got it working... somehow.

    While trying to narrow down the trouble I have, I updated with the latest testbuild found here: LibreELEC
    It worked like a charm. The obvious difference I noticed: it's a tar file.

    So I looked at the mirrors and found a 7.90.004 tar file. With this file the upgrade works without any problems.
    Going back to an img or img.gz it fails with "SYSTEM or KERNEL" missing.

    So there seems to be a problem with those files or with the update procedure.

  • I got the same error of OP. Just tried from 7.0.2 to 7.90.004.
    When I try to update I got the error of System or Kernel missing and if I try made a fresh install I go stuck on Libreelec screen.
    Maybe wrong file upload? Defective box?

  • DaVu

    At this moment on 7.0.2:

    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    devtmpfs                426.4M         0    426.4M   0% /dev
    /dev/ubi0_0             200.5M    117.5M     78.3M  60% /flash
    /dev/data                 2.9G      9.2M      2.9G   0% /storage
    /dev/loop0              115.9M    115.9M         0 100% /
    tmpfs                   428.3M         0    428.3M   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                   428.3M      6.4M    422.0M   1% /run
    tmpfs                   428.3M         0    428.3M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs                   428.3M         0    428.3M   0% /tmp
    tmpfs                   428.3M    236.0K    428.1M   0% /var
  • Thanks.

    Please change the content as shown below and try flashing again. I don't believe that it will work but give it a try.


    Edited once, last by drieschel (August 15, 2016 at 5:57 PM).

  • So, you're wrong. It worked !!!!!
    I really didn't know that more than one parameter can be passed in this file. Also, I would never think of this....lol.
    Thanks a lot !!!
    I'll see now if I can solve my big problem with this box.