LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • And since you're talking about beeing shunned or "vague copy-paste" config.... have you read my start post? You've supplied any log files? You've told us what mainboard you use? No? Well yeah maybe that's the reason nobody could tell you exactly what to do.


    Xorg - ArchWiki

    i did not provide any logfiles, models, and it was actually me who told chewitt that it was the onboard gpu trying to load (despite the fact it doesnt show up in lspci nor is it enabled in the bios.) either way the conf fails because the driver module is not even there, making me think that even if you compile libreelec without the driver it still makes the conf file for some reason. nonetheless, i never came here for help DIAGNOSING the problem thats why theres no logs or anything. besides the fact that i cant start the system enough to configure wifi, and i can only get to console if xorg doesnt fail for some random reason after a few auto reboots it does. ctrl+alt+f1-f7 do absolutely nothing unless xorg starts. thats gotta be a bug imo. i need help fixing the problem. im asking for the exact opposite of what to do im asking what am i missing?

    i understand i can make a custom conf file, i dont understand how to use a custom conf file to empty a conf file already made. do i name it the same? what do i put in the conf file that will make it ignore the other one?? the correct xorg conf i need is there already, the radeon one, i need to DELETE one so it wont load. you all seem to be just skimming my posts and assuming im an idiot. so ill state again HOW DO I USE A CUSTOM CONF FILE TO EMPTY AN EXISTING ONE. its not even like im asking for step by step instructions, if someone can point me toward a man page or a similar thread im confident and can read. also, if someone would answer that on the post i made rather than this post thatd be appreciated, WAS NOT TRYING TO POSTJACK the only reason i mention it in this post is because i dont even think le9 supports any graphics cards that even use nvidia-legacy and part of the conf file tries to load a file that is not present on the READ ONLY FILESYSTEM, that seems like a bug to me too, especially when the conf is being loaded despite IT BEING DISABLED IN BIOS AND NOT SHOWING UP IN LSPCI but maybe im just an idiot, yeah?

    for logs i have to move the hdd with libreelec to another system and ive only had the chance to do that twice, the computer is at another house too making things more difficult. i just need to know how to nullify the nvidia-legacy.conf with a custom one as a workaround, when i get the logs to prove to you this is a bug, at least from what i understand a bug is, i might even make a bugreport

    Edited once, last by Ae3NerdGod (October 21, 2018 at 7:59 PM).

  • hi there!

    previously had a working milhouse build installed. I tried to install your RR from scratch via USB stick. Installs fine, boots fine, but splashscreen stays visible, even though i can hear the gui sounds when using the remote. I keep looking at the LE RR splashscreen.....

    Where do i start to troubleshoot this?

    Asrock J3355M, hdmi TV, MCE remote, USB keyboard. nothing else attached.


  • hi there!

    previously had a working milhouse build installed. I tried to install your RR from scratch via USB stick. Installs fine, boots fine, but splashscreen stays visible, even though i can hear the gui sounds when using the remote. I keep looking at the LE RR splashscreen.....

    Where do i start to troubleshoot this?

    Asrock J3355M, hdmi TV, MCE remote, USB keyboard. nothing else attached.


    Does SMB come up? Can you grab the logs in the SMB Logfiles share? Which Milhouse build did you use & which beta of mine? I use a ASRock > J3455-ITX myself which is quite similar and this runs fine beside the usual LSPcon quirks. :/

  • tl;dr


    Search · nvidia · GitHub

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    leads to:

    Display Spoiler

    error 404: support for old-af-nforce-stuff not found.

    lets travel back in time:


    Finally we found some supported nForce devices...

    We conclude even though the package is called legacy it's not a "support-all-old-af-nvidia-stuff" package. You would need Linux display driver 304.137 but this likely would not run because of reasons (Xorg server 1.20.x or Kernel 4.18.x). Your file 06_varlog.log contains the Xorg.log which tells you

    [ 19.754] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) so it's not about missing modules it's about "Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found" because you know old-af.

    I asked for the system specs because some linux guru guys in this forum may know a trick how to disable this Nforce chipsets but as you said you already know what's going on and... stuff.

    And since you already found out what's the problem you just need some man pages. Well....

    this page:…nf#amd-graphics

    literally states:

    And there is a example conf file for AMD grapahics:…nf#amd-graphics

    als I linked an Arch linux wiki page:

    that literally states:

    Section "Device"     
    Identifier "AMD"     
    Driver "amdgpu" EndSection

    So in fact you could have concluded how to alter the example conf and what you have to change to tell xorg what driver it should use. So it's not enough to link you some man pages and indeed you're asking for step by step instructions in a pretty... well let's call it special way.

    Anyway I guess if we waste your time by demanding some simple basics like log files or system specs to help you with your problem I guess you also understand if we're not in mood to waste our time by solving this stuff.

  • dude youre not reading my posts.
    I DO NOT NEED SUPPORT FOR THE ONBOARD NVIDIA CARD.the card is disabled in the bios, doesnt show up in lspci, and yet still attempts to load a NONEXISTANT DRIVER. using /etc/X11/xorg-nvidia-legacy.conf

    i have an hd7570 that DOES work in other motherboards,and im literally CURRENTLY USING linux mint on this card, On the motherboard in question. it works fine. you have my hardware info via the log archive i was finally able to get uploaded and if youll refer to my other post i tagged you in about this, youd also know that i have already used various resources including the ones you suggested to make my own xorg.conf (after trying just copying librelec radeon one to storage/.config/xorg.conf) and both of the mhave the same result, kodi runs once fine, then if i reboot, the next boot kodi will fail to start claiming display 0.0 has no glx capabilities whis is also in the logs i provided.

    btw my intent of posting on this particular thread was and is to report a bug of /etc/X11/xorg-nvidia-legacy.conf trying to load a driver that isnt present on the system.
    "error 404: support for old-af-nforce-stuff not found." is exactly my point, if this card is not supported, why is its xorg conf file there? i thought maybe if this guy, who makes a popular build of libreelec deletes this file in a build and no one reports that it breaks anything it could get sent up the ladder to the master by people with more time for that sorta thing than me.

    i still dont freakin understand why no one can just tell me what magic compression method is used to build libreelecs squashfs so i can just rebuild it. you guys are OCD af

    but now, i digress,

    i compiled libreelec official made sure there was no xorg-nvidia-legacy.conf built or mentioned in any file annnddd...

    Display Spoiler

    it works fine now, you a$$hat

  • hey guys i installed remix yesterday and i really love what you've done with bit but i have some problems one being that any video file with audio other than 2.0 audio just gives me a wall of sound that i cant mute or adjust volume on, secondly i cant get audio to work in emulators i edited the asound.conf according to aplay -L output but no luck attached kodi.log, asound.conf and aplay -L output

  • hey guys i installed remix yesterday and i really love what you've done with bit but i have some problems one being that any video file with audio other than 2.0 audio just gives me a wall of sound that i cant mute or adjust volume on, secondly i cant get audio to work in emulators i edited the asound.conf according to aplay -L output but no luck attached kodi.log, asound.conf and aplay -L output

    I guess you're using this monitor iiyama for video output? Looks like you're using device 1 for emulator sound what's basically device 2 since enumerating starts at 0.

    08:23:28.967 T:140029264090880  NOTICE:     Device 1
    08:23:28.967 T:140029264090880  NOTICE:         m_deviceName      : hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0
    08:23:28.967 T:140029264090880  NOTICE:         m_displayName     : HDA Intel
    08:23:28.967 T:140029264090880  NOTICE:         m_displayNameExtra: IVM PLE2607WS on HDMI #0
    08:23:28.967 T:140029264090880  NOTICE:         m_deviceType      : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI

    Do you use this monitor for sound output too? If so then try hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0 in your asound.conf it's HDMI #1 so basically the second connector, or is it connected to an avr?

    I'm not sure about your video playback issues. If you play files with stereo sound you can adjust the volume but if you play i.e. DTS or DD 5.1 something you can't?

    Could you check your audio settings in Kodi and compare them to this quick start guide?

    Audio quickstart guide - Official Kodi Wiki

  • check kodi.log there is an error with passthrough this is why it doesnt work properly

    and yes the monitor is also sound

    Edited once, last by strange: 08:23:28.966 T:140029264090880 WARNING: Pulseaudio module module-allow-passthrough not loaded - opening PT devices might fail (October 23, 2018 at 10:34 AM).

  • check kodi.log there is an error with passthrough this is why it doesnt work properly

    and yes the monitor is also sound

    It's a warning about PulseAudio which Kodi does not use as default output, it hooks up to your ALSA device.

    08:23:28.966 T:140029264090880 WARNING: Pulseaudio module module-allow-passthrough not loaded - opening PT devices might fail

    What's the state of your "Enabled passthrough" setting?

  • i have it enabled audio output device : ALSA: HDA Intel, IVM PLE2670WS on HDMI#0

    passthrough same.
    the combination of this hardware and screen worked on libreelec btw but i dont recall whas the default settings were there
    i just know it worked without touching it so im wondering whats different

  • ok it needed to be disabled the passthrough, audio issue solved now the emulation thing

    in kodi audio output device is on hdmi #0 thats what asound should show as well?

    yes hdmi #0 was it thanks everything working :)

    keep up the good work

  • it works fine now, you a$$hat

    That really hit me hard, only memes can express my feelings. Anyway I guess you're fine now.

    giphy.gif AnyRealAmphiuma-size_restricted.gif

    PS: The kernel identifies a Nvidia board [ 0.000000] Nvidia board detected. Ignoring ACPI timer override. so it's not unlikely some pci device id still points to your C51 GPU and since the pci id is not found in the nvidia driver it tries to load the nvidia-legacy driver.

    Since you mention Linux Mint -> this distribution boots AFAIK with nouveau and you can use the "Driver Manager" to install proprietary Nvidia driver afterwards. LE is an easy to use "embedded" minimal Kodi distribution that supports out of the box up to 12 year old NV cards ( Geforce 8 series and newer) by vendor drivers but not your nForce stuff. The way how LE deals with NV cards works for >30k users and your setup is an edge case not more and not less and I totally understand that nobody wants to refactor the whole NV driver routine for a single setup of an absolutely outdated piece of hardware.

    And since it's noob friendly to compile LE yourself... why didn't you do this at the beginning? And judging you by your name & manners... where is your pull request that fixes this "bug" and solves all problems? Anyway I'm too old for some childish flamewar stuff. So have fun with LE.

    But don't forget my ocd!

    pS: tHe KerneL IdenTifies A nVIdIA Board [ 0.000000] nviDIa bOaRD dETECTed. IgNoRIng acPi timer overrIDe. So iT'S nOT unliKELY some pCI DEVICE id still POinTS TO yoUR c51 gPU anD siNCe The pcI id iS Not fOUND In THe NViDIA Driver iT TriES TO Load The NVIDIa-lEgAcY DrIver.

    sinCE YoU MENtIoN LInuX minT -> this diStRIbUtiOn BooTs AFaiK WiTh nouvEaU and You cAn Use THe "drIVeR MAnAgER" tO insTalL PRopriEtARY NvIDIa DRIVEr AFteRwards. lE Is An EAsy to usE "EMBEDDeD" minIMaL KoDI DISTriBuTiOn ThAt SupPortS OuT oF tHe bOX uP To 12 YEAR OLD nv carDS ( GeForCE 8 serieS AnD NEwer) by vEnDOR driveRS but NOt YOur NFoRce stUff. The wAy HOw LE dEaLs wIth nV CArds workS fOr >30K uSErs anD yOUr SetUP Is An edge cASe noT mORE and NoT lesS aND i toTaLLy uNDerSTand tHAt nOboDy Wants to reFACTOr tHE wHoLe Nv dRiVER rOUtIne fOR a SiNGlE SeTuP OF an aBSOLUtELY outdAtED pIEce of harDwARE.

    aNd sinCE it's NOOB FRiEndly tO COmPiLE le YoURSElF... WhY dIDn'T yOU Do tHis aT ThE bEGINninG? AND jUdgInG YOu BY YOUR nAmE & MANnERS... wHERE iS yOuR PUll requEsT ThAt fIxEs THIs "BUG" aND SoLvES alL prObLEms? aNywaY I'm toO Old for SOMe ChIlDisH fLAMewAR StUFf. SO hAVe fUn with LE.

  • 5schatten thanks for failing to solve my problem o superior one. your dank memes prove to me and everyone here how 1337 you are.

    btw since you STILL cant seem to read
    I HAVE A JOB. LIBRELECS PURPOSE IS CONVENIENCE IS IT NOT? taking hours out of your day to compile libreelec on a shitty pentium or i3 at your job is NOT CONVENIENT. DUH thats why i came here ASKING HOW TO UNSQUASH THE SYSTEM FILE not how to fix anything. the whole silly /storage/.config thing is just ridiculous. if osmc was X86 best believe i would have had this solved, seeing as they dont set up their distro like a friggen live cd


    Edited 2 times, last by Ae3NerdGod (October 23, 2018 at 2:02 PM).

  • 5schatten thanks for failing to solve my problem o superior one. your dank memes prove to me and everyone here how 1337 you are.

    btw since you STILL cant seem to read
    I HAVE A JOB. LIBRELECS PURPOSE IS CONVENIENCE IS IT NOT? taking hours out of your day to compile libreelec on a shitty pentium or i3 at your job is NOT CONVENIENT. DUH thats why i came here ASKING HOW TO UNSQUASH THE SYSTEM FILE not how to fix anything. the whole silly /storage/.config thing is just ridiculous. if osmc was X86 best believe i would have had this solved, seeing as they dont set up their distro like a goddamn live cd


    Well you fixed nothing but you did what I suggested days ago. You've built LE without the Nvidia driver packages and surprisingly it works now...

    Display Spoiler


    Just wondering... after you would have unsquashed the image & deleted a single conf file you really think it works? I'm curious how you tell the system to load the correct afterwards.... There's a reason why we suggested to build an image without the Nvidia drivers. Anyway LE is pretty convenient & easy to use but fails to cover all hardware configurations out in the wild.

    But I totally understand you would be able to fix osmc that doesn't even feature any devices beside RPi, Vero or an ancient AppleTV because of 133t sk11z and stuff but sorry again this is LE and it works pretty fine for 99,9% of the userbase. If you decide to play with >10 year old hardware you have to invest some time to iron out your problems.

    Setting up a VM, installing Linux Mint, cloning the repo & and compile it just takes some disk space & time. IMHO that's a pretty good deal for a free multimedia software solution.