LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • New RC7 builds are online.

    • gcc 8.2
    • updated to kernel 4.17.11 & 4.14.59
    • updated to latest LE 9.0 upstream
    • updated to Kodi 18 Alpha 3.0
    • updated to Pulseaudio 12.2
    • switched Nvidia driver to Short Lived Branch version: 396.45
    • updated Vulkan-loader to 1.1.82

    Edited 3 times, last by 5schatten (August 3, 2018 at 8:33 AM).

  • @5schatten

    Thanks for your explanation and great help! Got the PSX games working now. Seems like setting the bios file is very sensitive, as I had a BIOS file with Capitals and it didn't work, so I did rename the bios to lowercase letters and now it seems to work. Although the libretro-pcsx-rearmed works better for me.
    Got one Saturn game working now as well, other games do not seem to work yet, but they do have some .WAV files added as well. So maybe I should get some ISO+CUE files from some other place. Will try, but there is no hurry.

    Now I need to connect 4 controllers and get the multitap options working, so that I can invite some friends :-), wil dig into that asap.

    Great work here 5schatten, I am very happy with the solution you provide!

  • i havent yet figured out the Black screen problem w/ Emulationstation/RetroArch Dosbox :/ but i do have the question for Amiberry, how can i get it to see WHDLoad archives? as from the looks of it you have it all setup for WHDLoad support but Emulationstation will not recognize it in teh gamelists any .lha's

  • Sjarl

    pcsx-rearmed is less ressource demanding so in some case it's the better choice. If you adjust the es_systems.cfg file you can use pcsx-rearmed in ES too.

    I'm curious about how well your 4 controller setup will work in the end. Right now I'm using only two controllers but Retroarch should have no problems in dealing with 4 too.


    As I said I need your dosbox logfile to figure out what is wrong. All I can say is that I've tested it and it's working. I even improved it and added the midi sequencer kernel module so all functions should be supported right now.

    Start your dosbox game and exit if you only see a black screen. Browse your SMB shares and open \\your_raspi_device\Logfiles then a new logfile should be created. Open the last, the file 06_varlog.log contains dosbox.log and post it here. It should look like this:

    As I told you out of the box ES is only looking for certain file extensions. If you need others too edit the es_systems.cfg and add the extensions. Anyway I haven't dealt with WHDLoad until now. But basically all should be on-board.

            <extension>.fs-uae .adf .adz .zip</extension>
            <command>/usr/bin/amiberry.start "%ROM_RAW%"</command>

    Edited 2 times, last by 5schatten (August 4, 2018 at 11:21 AM).

  • Got the multiplayer working now too, looks great :)

    Although, I can't get the sound working yet. Trying to log in via Putty, but it won't accept my login and password.

    The password I am using is libreelec. Is there an other password set for accessing?

    It keeps on saying access denied.

    Sorry, I am still a noob at these things.

  • 5schatten sorry for not getting back to you the weekend was rough enough running anything for too long would redline my Pi3 to the "Overheat" Overlay showing on-screen.

    atm now its just crashing back to Kodi from RetroArch but from Emulationstation it's working.


    for WHDLoad, lha files do launch into Amiberry but dont properly load thier games,

  • Cael

    of course it's not working because you use dosbox-libretro:

    [INFO] Loading dynamic libretro core from: "/tmp/cores/"

    ....and thats a core I haven't included in my build. Mine comes with dosbox-sdl2 and that one is tied to Emulationstation.

    You have created that file? :

    [libretro INFO] Loading default configuration /storage/roms/bios/DOSbox/dosbox-libretro.conf

    Anyway download this file and place it in \\your_device\Configfiles\retroarch\cores then see if it starts. It's the dosbox-libretro core compiled for my fork.

    About WHDLoad afaik this is an installer for Amiga games?

  • Alpha 10 is online:

    • updated to LE9.0 upstream
    • updated generic kernel to 4.17.12
    • updated Nvidia driver Short Lived Branch to version 396.51
    • updated several libretro-cores
    • updated RA assets
    • added bsnes-mercury-accuracy as default cycle accurate SNES core for generic systems (read the FAQ about bios files!)
    • added libretro-ishiiruka

    Alpha 11 is online:

    • updated to LE9.0 upstream
    • updated generic kernel to 4.17.13 / RPi 4.14.61
    • updated some libretro-cores
    • fixed Git version of libretro cores
    • updated Dolphin to r5.0-8533
    • added custom menu icons
    • added libretro-dosbox
    • changed dosbox-SDL2 MT32 rom path from /storage/roms/dos/MT32 path to /storage/roms/bios directory in default conf
    • added libretro-mesen as as default cycle accurate NES core for generic systems (read the FAQ about bios files!)
    • replaced libretro-quicknes by libretro-fceumm (read the FAQ about bios files!)

    Edited 8 times, last by 5schatten (August 9, 2018 at 7:29 AM).

  • @5schatten:

    I did indeed turn SSH on, but it still doesn't work. Do I need a username as well?
    I think I did turn SSH off in the first place during the installation, I saw a message somewhere that it might not work in a later stadium, is that true?

    Anyway, I fixed the sound through the Retroarch options menu, so I am still happy with that result :)

    The 4 controllers work for NES and SNES games so far with 2x 8bitdo SF30 controllers and 2x Xiaomi gamepads (all bluetooth).

    One of the 8bitdo controllers does not connect automatically when I turn it on, that's a little annoying.

    I do recommend the Xiaomi gamepads, they work very good for me.

    Does anyone use wired controllers with an USB-hub?

    I am wondering which controllers work/feel good.

    Maybe I am willing to test that as well, if it is not that expensive…

    Thanks again 5schatten for this great project!

  • Sjarl

    Probably this controller? Looks like a copy of a xbox 360something controller? Anyway if it works good I'll give it a shot too then.

    I have the same problem with my 8bitdo controllers but only on my Intel systems. If I use them with an RPi they easily pair and run... guess it's firmware related or something.

    Have you checked if SSH is really running at the LibreELEC menu? I had one time a similar problem but straight after a clean installation. SSH was off and I could not turn it on again. After a clean install it was gone so maybe it's a bug in upstream.


    Can you upload a logfile? Maybe there's something interesting to get rid of the ssh problem. Still you need a username too.

    Username: root

    Password: libreelec

    So you probably have to connect this way: root@yourdevice

    Edited 2 times, last by 5schatten (August 10, 2018 at 1:33 PM).

  • I'm trying to update from LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0-devel-20180712-RC4 to :

    - LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0-devel-20180806-Alpha10.img

    - LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0-devel-20180808-Alpha11.img

    - LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0-devel-20180809-Alpha12

    None one worked?

    I get a kodi crash, followed by a kodi save boot, someone an idea?

    Afther I restore LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0-devel-20180712-RC4, everything will work again


    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (18.0-ALPHA3 Git:269a24c). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x64 build

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Kodi compiled Aug 6 2018 by GCC 8.2.0 for Linux x86 64-bit version 4.17.12 (266508)

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Running on LibreELEC (community): devel-20180806220709-9e2ca00 9.0, kernel: Linux x86 64-bit version 4.17.12

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: FFmpeg version/source: 4.0.2-Kodi

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Host CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz, 4 cores available

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/kodi/

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://xbmcbinaddons/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi/addons

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/userdata

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://envhome/ is mapped to: /storage

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: special://logpath/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Local hostname: LibreELEC

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Log File is located: /storage/.kodi/temp//kodi.log

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    12:51:34.801 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: load settings...

    12:51:34.808 T:140719117363392 DEBUG: CSettings: loaded settings definition from special://xbmc/system/settings/settings.xml

    12:51:34.811 T:140719117363392 DEBUG: CSettings: loaded settings definition from special://xbmc/system/settings/linux.xml

    12:51:34.811 T:140719117363392 DEBUG: CSettings: loaded settings definition from special://xbmc/system/settings/x11.xml

    12:51:34.811 T:140719117363392 DEBUG: CSettings: loaded settings definition from special://xbmc/system/settings/appliance.xml

    12:51:34.817 T:140719117363392 DEBUG: CSkinSettings: no <skinsettings> tag found

    12:51:34.817 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml

    12:51:34.817 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>




















    12:51:34.817 T:140719117363392 WARNING: CSettingsManager: missing version attribute

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...








































    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 WARNING: VIDEO database configuration is experimental.

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 WARNING: CSettingsManager: missing version attribute

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"

    12:51:34.818 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml

    12:51:34.825 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: PulseAudio: Server found running - will try to use Pulse

    12:51:34.826 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v5.5.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.weathericons.default v1.1.8 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.octonet v999.0.7.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: webinterface.default v2.4.5 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v4.3.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: imagedecoder.raw v999.2.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.argustv v999.3.5.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.videocodec v1.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.kodinerds v9.0.103.103 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.idna v2.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.beautifulsoup4 v4.5.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v5.1.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.metadata v2.1.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.getInfo_LastFM v1.1.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.dvblink v999.4.6.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.kodi65 v1.2.1.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.myconnpy v1.1.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v2.0.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.beautifulsoup v3.2.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.gui v5.13.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.common.plugin.cache v2.5.10 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v2.3.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.keymap v1.0.10 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.nextup.notification v1.0.37 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.2.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.3.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.pytz v2014.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.arrow v0.10.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.pctv v999.2.4.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: audioencoder.kodi.builtin.aac v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: audioencoder.kodi.builtin.wma v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.cherrypy v11.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.subtitles.opensubtitles v5.0.16 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.vfs v2.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v9.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.iptvsimple v999.3.5.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.alelec v2.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.njoy v999.3.4.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.adulthideout v1.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.commands v1.0.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v0.3.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.lost-and-found v1.1.12 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: vfs.rar v999.2.0.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.cdartmanager v4.2.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: browser.chromium v9.0.108 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.dateutil v2.5.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.language.en_gb v2.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.dvbviewer v999.3.6.5 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.artworkorganizer v6.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.stalker v999.3.4.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.pvr v5.10.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.teleboy v999.18.0.19 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.kodi.loguploader v0.3.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.rom.collection.browser v1.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.12 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.musicbrainz v0.6.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.audiodecoder v2.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.subtitles.subclub v0.0.8 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v2.1.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.kodibrasilforum v1.0.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.local v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.1.22 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.webinterface v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.buggalo v1.1.8 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.inputstream v2.0.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.uisounds.aeonmq6 v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.uisounds.kodi v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.1.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.9.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v6.0.15 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.xbmcswift2 v2.4.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v4.5.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.filmon v999.2.4.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.visualization v2.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: skin.estuary v2.0.11 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.addon.signals v0.0.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.watchedlist v1.2.5 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: weather.openweathermap.extended v5.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.json v9.5.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.autocompletion v1.1.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.4.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.34 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v2.1.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.extendedinfo v5.6.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.vbox v999.4.4.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.openweathermap.maps v0.2.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.dropbox v8.4.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.1.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.thetvdb v1.0.23 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.html5lib v0.999.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.six v1.11.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.32 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.vdr.vnsi v999.3.6.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.screensaver v2.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.mediaportal.tvserver v999.3.5.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: peripheral.joystick v1.4.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.chardet v3.0.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.1.9 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.subtitles.addic7ed v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.13 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: game.controller.default v1.0.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v5.12.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v18.425.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.simplejson v3.3.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.libreelec.settings v9.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim v1.0.43 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.favourites v7.1.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: vfs.libarchive v999.1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.urllib3 v1.22 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.wmc v999.2.3.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.audioencoder v2.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: inputstream.rtmp v999.2.0.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.hdhomerun v999.3.4.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.subtitles.nlondertitels v1.0.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.globalsearch v8.0.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.peripheral v1.3.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.randomandlastitems v2.2.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.resource v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.pil v1.1.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.simplecache v1.0.16 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v0.0.33 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v9.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq v0.0.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: inputstream.adaptive v999.2.2.24 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.simple.downloader v1.9.5 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.musicgenreicons.text v0.1.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.mythtv v999.5.8.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.vuplus v999.3.7.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: skin.aeonmq7.leia.mod v1.0.0.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.subtitles.subscene v1.7.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.weathericons.animated v0.0.6 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.core v0.1.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.pyqrcode v0.0.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.moviegenreicons.xzener-flat v0.0.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v6.0.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: service.system.docker v9.0.117 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.artistslideshow v2.1.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.requests v2.18.4.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v9.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.demo v999.3.6.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: kodi.binary.instance.imagedecoder v2.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.artistslideshow-helper v0.4.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.certifi v2017.07.27.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v0.0.8 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.rector.stuff v1.0.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.nextpvr v999.3.3.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.database.cleaner v0.5.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.pycryptodome v3.4.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.38 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.routing v0.2.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.album.universal v2.7.3 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.future v0.16.0.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.2.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.0.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.8 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.artwork.beef v0.21.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.studios.white v0.0.13 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: resource.images.mediaicons.coloured v0.0.8.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.zattoo v999.18.0.51 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.parsedom v2.5.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: metadata.artists.universal v4.1.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.whitecream v0.0.1 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: v3.0.7 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.python v2.25.0 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.qrcode v5.2 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: pvr.hts v999.4.3.4 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: xbmc.addon v17.9.703 installed

    12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.metadatautils v1.0.16 installed

    12:51:34.856 T:140719117363392 ERROR: Unable to load /usr/lib/kodi/addons/vfs.libarchive/, reason: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Edited 2 times, last by BlaBla1973: typo (August 13, 2018 at 3:40 PM).

  • BlaBla1973

    Well beside some "special" add-ons like 12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: repository.whitecream v0.0.1 installed I don't see anything wrong. Since tend to upload clean rebuilds all packages should be linked against the correct libs.

    Recent builds include an updated version of vfs.libarchive

    phoenix:~ # find / -name vfs.libarchive.*

    So I suspect one of your add-ons is outdated and needs an older version of vfs.libarchive.

    12:51:34.856 T:140719117363392 ERROR: Unable to load /usr/lib/kodi/addons/vfs.libarchive/, reason: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Can you deactivate your add-ons like 12:51:34.839 T:140719117363392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.metadatautils v1.0.16 installed

  • @5schatten

    Thank you for the support again. The username "root" does indeed work. I am sorry, I didn't know about this (still a noob, but eager to learn!).

    So there is no problem with SSH as far as I can see now.

    That is indeed the controller of Xiaomi that I use, it works out of the box and there is no need to swap the buttons. Connecting is very easy and it is almost an exact copy of the XBOX controller. Works very well for me.

    Now I am looking for a new challenge; Getting a good controller for Goldeneye for the N64 emulator, but it looks like there is no good controller available (if I search for it) with a good stick. So if anyone has got any tips to get this working fluently, I will be very happy, I still love this game.