LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • If the /storage/roms/amiga  directory is empty Amiga won't be listed in ES. So place your games in there and make sure the file extension is one of these: .fs-uae .adf .adz .zip

    ahh too used to there being the for amiberry in retropie which kinda is why i guess even after a fresh Setup and after installing the emulator it was showing! thanks for the clarification so far i dont see a reason to switch back to it from this build. espcially since they dont plan to touch Kodi 18 untill its a Stable (non alpha or beta) (coulda been nice if they did just under an experimental listing in thier setup script:/ ohh well :3 being a full OS Build off raspbian it has always felt a bit more bloated.

  • It’s well known the bluetooth on rpi sucks and just can’t handle audio over a certain bitrate. Lots of threads about this before.

    Never used BT audio +RPi, but I've read the audio jack is crap too. Btw I guess you can get rid of this patch at le82 · escalade/ · GitHub

    IMHO it doesn't really do what it should if you compare it to at master · LibreELEC/ · GitHub & it looks like pulseaudio v12.2 is already patched.


    Do you use your Wifi while you play music over BT? Can you disable it & try again?

  • @Cael

    Do you use your Wifi while you play music over BT? Can you disable it & try again?

    Seems Wifi's the Problem! i belive the Same chip that drives Wifi drives Bluetooth on the 3 and 3B+ i played the song that was studdering so hard in the sample 5 times in arow (its a short song about 1min 8 seconds, (its glitch bros from the Into the Breach Soundtrack) had my SN30 Pro connected too no issues with or w/o it connected. well outside it seems to be a 50/50 i haveto re-enable Bluetooth and Reboot with RC5 (havent tried the older ones ) the speaker in question is 8bitdo's Cube (Single) Speaker.

  • Cael

    From a technical POV I guess they share the antenna & at least the Pi3 is only capable of 2.4GHz Wifi so that's probably the reason for interferences. Maybe the Pi3+ & 5GHz Wifi will work better.


    i got the 3+ in the retroRoom i'll give it a show in a few and either edit/Reply back w/ results. my non + is the one setup w/ a Waveshare 7' screen
    edit @ 3:36PM : yea the 3+ can w/ Wifi on but just ever so bearly. i can hear if im listening for t a slight skip but thats it. i dont think the RaspberryPi's Bluetooth was ment for Audio in general IMHO.

    Edited once, last by Cael (July 30, 2018 at 8:37 PM).

  • The 3+ was connected to 5GHz Wifi? Otherwise the Wifi will interfer BT audio anyway.

    yea, atm im facing something odd w/ UAE in Libretro, and dosbox (Kodi game launcher/ Emulation station) dosbox and UAE in libretro Just cause an instant exit to Kodi, from Emulation station or within Kodi, Black screen.

  • If you mean Amiberry then provide log files. Anyway I don't use retroplayer so I can't give any support in this particular case. Kodi's log (if it shows anything from RetroPlayer (disabling P-UAE seems atleast to for now let Amiberry startup in its place) Dosbox is another mystery to fixgure out, as for Crashlogs from RetroArch where would they be located?

  • Well you're talking about Kodi game addons:

    00:26:50.426 T:1938466736 NOTICE: ADDON: game.libretro.dosbox v0.74.0.107 installed

    If you want to use Retroplayer & the Kodi addons stick to Milhouse alpha testbuilds like this LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)

    This Remix build is focused on Retroarch, Emulationstation and includes the most common emulators. Kodi game addons use a different romfolder, frontend and cores so they have not much in common.

    For dosbox you simply have to copy the dosbox-SDL2.conf file located in \\your_device\Configfiles\dosbox into the dosgame directoy, rename it appropriate, set the correct autoexec commands and your game should run. I've tested it with Elder Scrolls Arena & it works fine for me.

    Anyway you find logiles in \\your_device\Logfiles or if you use ssh or winscp in /var/log

    After rebuilding I'll add either libretro-uae or libretro-uae4arm to RPi builds as additional cores.


    I've tested libretro-uae & uae4arm and both su... well let's say I'll stick to amiberry for now.

    Edited 3 times, last by 5schatten (July 31, 2018 at 12:14 PM).

  • Does somebody else have the problem, that you can't get in the Libreelec settings anymore? (Updated to the last version).

    The Libreelec icon is there in the settings, but when you click on it, nothing happens. What can I do about it?

  • I too noticed that with LE settings after I updated to the previous build version. Also, the programs I have in Favourites didn't start either. After reboot everything worked again. No idea what was wrong.

  • Is it possible to resize fat partition without doing a clean install

    I want to upgrade to this build from milhouse testbuild to this but it complaines that i must resize fat partition