Cannot browse SMB shares on network

  • Recently replaced OE with LE, and so far, so good..

    I have recently discovered that I cannot browse the windows network for shares via SMB in LE - the list is empty. I can connect to the shared folders by explicitly entering the addresses (smb:// for example.

    Tried to set min and max SMB versions in System->Services-SMBclient , but no soap..

    I then tried adding 2 lines to the GLOBAL section of the smb.conf file

    in global section smb.conf

    client min protocol = SMB2

    client max protocol = SMB3

    but this does not repair this ...

    Issue is really not a biggie, just wondering if there is a simple workaround.

    Thankyou ,

  • WOW - Changed 2 lines in the SMB.CONF file, and now I see all the devices in the workgroup.

    In GLOBAL section, I now have:

    client min protocol = SMB1

    client max protocol = SMB1

    browsing away ! Thankyou very much for the advice..

    I recall reading that this SMB version presents a security risk, when in a corporate setting .. and that Microsoft has disabled it in Windows 10..

  • I recall reading that...

    Google for WannaCry if you want to know why Microsoft FINALLY got rid of the old SMBv1 protocol, and made SMBv2 mandatory.

    You better get your network set up properly, and make sure your Windows/Samba server is correctly installed with proper authentication and no more network browsing. Otherwise you are still keeping your door wide open for intruders.

  • kappclark Not sure which smb.conf file you are referring to but presumably it's .kodi/.smb/smb.conf which you should not be editing it, as your changes will not be persisted across Kodi restarts - Kodi will overwrite your changes with its own settings, including client max protocol (if you set it to something other than "None" in Settings > Services > SMB Client). Your own settings should be added to .kodi/.smb/user.conf, although forcing Kodi to use only SMB1 has been supported via the GUI since 8.2.3 without any need to manually edit config files.

    You also shouldn't be editing the server smb.conf either (for similar reasons) - use /storage/.config/samba.conf.

  • kappclark Not sure which smb.conf file you are referring to but presumably it's .kodi/.smb/smb.conf which you should not be editing it, as your changes will not be persisted across Kodi restarts - Kodi will overwrite your changes with its own settings, including client max protocol (if you set it to something other than "None" in Settings > Services > SMB Client). Your own settings should be added to .kodi/.smb/user.conf, although forcing Kodi to use only SMB1 has been supported via the GUI since 8.2.3 without any need to manually edit config files.

    You also shouldn't be editing the server smb.conf either (for similar reasons) - use /storage/.config/samba.conf.

    Thanks for the heads up --

    II discovered this by trial and error about edits not being permanent, so I found from another post the conf file you refer to ... tested by renaming one of the share names, and, the changes stuck ... in fact, klojum will be pleased to know that today I changed both the SMB settings in the conf file located In /storage/.config/ to SMB2. ... better safe than sorry ...

  • As long as we are discussing SMB vulnerability - I discovered a security announcement from , posted in another thread..

    " All versions of Samba from 3.5.0 onwards are vulnerable to a remote

    code execution vulnerability, allowing a malicious client to upload a

    shared library to a writable share, and then cause the server to load

    and execute it. "

    I added the line

    nt pipe support = no

    to the GLOBAL section ... as they recommend ... I do not know if the version in LE contains this