Kodi. Advanced settings.xml

  • Hello. It's the 1st time I'm using LE, and I'm amazed by the job that was done so far, tks to the devs in the 1st place. I'm using a Minix u1, everything works fine. Normally i use some tweaks with ez Advanced Settings to improve buffer but on Android (ext app Kodi), since this LE ve. is a Kodi embed launcher I wonder tweaking will improve P2P streams? I'm on a 100mb connection with a switch after the router 10/100 tplink (cheap stuff). Does the x3 rule applies to LE as it was for Android? I mean free ram / 0.3 *1024*1024= tk u all..

  • The only references and installation options I get when searching for "Easy Advanced Settings" for Kodi are links to builds, repositories and/or addons of the banned & illegal kind. Mentioning the P2P streams also points into that direction.

    So unless you can provide some proof that my thoughts and hunches are incorrect, this will halt support to your thread.

  • How's tweaking kodi points to any direction? I'm trying to figure if doing so will improve my overall experience with LE Kodi... Try not to be so rush with your conclusions for the sake of transparency.


    Ps: what's the standard advancedsettings.xml for the e Minix u1 using LE?

    Edited once, last by Ptsp86 (March 21, 2018 at 11:19 PM).

  • P2P technologies (torrent etc.) are perfectly legal tools in 99.9% of the world legal systems, but the content that 99.9% of people use those legal tools to access would fall under our definition of piracy, and a hint of piracy will normally see us refuse support until a Kodi debug log (that proves the box is clean if piracy add-ons) is provided. You mentioned P2P streams and in the ~7 years that I have been involved with the project I still didn't witness a legitimate/non-piracy use of 'P2P' video streaming. It is not impossible that a legitimate service exists; merely improbable.

  • So my question is. What is standard calculation for LE to set the buffer mode according to the free memory? For Android I had to multiplie for 3 to have the memory size. Tks

  • Tks. My question was directed to Lebreelec memory usage because Kodi is embed in the OS and i thought that those settings were different. I know the wiki settings for standard Kodi. I didn't had the proper time to check the tree file or even the XML file. I just flashed the rom into an SD and tested it. It worked well so the question came afterwards. But thanks again.. and other question.. i know that Kodi 17 was left behind here, is Leia stable for daily usage?