Cannot install libreelec

  • Hi guys i tried to install on my x96 lib,reelec without success, i read tons of guide all around internet trying any kind of combination but the result is always the same.

    I don't understand why if I setup my pendrive with libreelec correctly using the toothpick method the system don't want to boot. I tried to change usb same result, and same result also trying to change all the dtb. I tried to put an file downloaded from internet using the update from zip but nothing the box answer my the foot is wron or something like that.

    No way i need to ask help.

    Thanx to everybody will help me

  • So tell me which point you are up to,

    you have formatted a usb drive to FAT32 (might work on NTFS)

    you have gone to the downloads page [INDEX] LibreELEC community builds for Amlogic

    & downloaded the stable release 8.2 & the correct device tree, [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X

    device tree base on RAM ie 1GB or 2GB & the LAN speed 100MB or 1GB

    you have then used rufus or the libreelec tool to create the image on the usb stick,

    you have then copied the device tree to the root of the usb, renaming it to dtb.img replacing the original

    you then held in the reset button, while plugging in the power, after a few seconds, you then released the reset button

  • I followed all steps in any combination but the result is always the same, when i switch on the box i finish in the recovery if i try to click on reboot to boot loader the box is stuck on x96 image

  • Either your X96 is not working OK, or your USB drive is not working OK, or you are doing something very wrong...

    I have X96 and X96_Mini boxes, and on both I can install LibreElec (v. and v.8.90.4) on USB drive, even on an SD card inserted in a USB adapter.

    It boots also when I install LE on SD card, and then put it into USB adapter and boot from USB port on my boxes.

    I use only Sandisk Class-10 SD cards (8GB and 16GB) and Sandisk USB 2.0 and 3.0 drives (8GB and 16GB). They all work perfectly...

  • there's nothing complicate to create an usb pen and my usb seems work properly, i use them during my session. i tried to check di logs but there's nothing inside :(

  • Use Rufus to "burn" the LibreELEC image to your USB drive. (just select the gz image file, and don't change anything)

    Turn box off, plug in USB.

    Press reset, turn box on.

    Wait a few seconds, "un-press" reset.

    Box should start booting and partition the USB drive.

    If this doesn't work, try a different USB drive.