S905x support, what is needed?

  • Hi everybody, am new to this forum but have read much with interest.
    Ive installed libreELEC on my Sunvell T95x 1g/2g device and have to say it works great with one exception, the stock remote.
    Ive tried all the remote.config's in this thread and used Filezilla to transfer the files to storage/config but to no avail.
    Does anyone have the remote.config file for this box.

    Btw big kudos to the devs and their hardwork, Without them we wouldn't have this amazing software.

  • Just thought I would share something back to the community, TX3 Pro remote config BFMuKNGN

    Spent all evening figuring out the correct key mappings as none of the keymaps I found online had worked.

    kszaq your latest image works great on the TX3 Pro 1G/8G, no more mount issue, seems to enter and resume from standby and no issues with installtointernal as well :)

    Can't see any issues so far everything works.

    Cracking progress, massive improvement over Kodi on Android.

    You sir, are a legend!

  • Hi guys, sorry for my question. My English is too bad, maybe that's the reason why I can't find answer.
    I have nexbox a95x s905x and I flashed Libreelec on my SD card. Everything work fine, Kodi run well, just if I want install something from zip package, I can't find my download folder in nexbox. So I can't install new add on.

    Hmm, no answer.

    Edited once, last by Brpo25 (February 25, 2017 at 2:52 PM).

  • kszaq I was having trouble with the remote on a new S905X device & I traced it back to this:

    LibreELEC.tv/remote-config at libreelec-8.0-sX05 · kszaq/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub

    Is that substitution right? Or was it meant to substitute 28? 232 is the code used for 'OK' in the remote.conf my device is using which seems to support 3 different remotes. I'm not sure if the remote.conf itself came originally from your distribution or if your script pulled it off my device somehow, but code 38 is KEY_L which doesn't make much sense to me. 28 is subbed elsewhere and is KEY_ENTER which I've traditionally used for the 'OK' button.

    I noticed another user asked about this specific device a while back and posted the remote.conf here.

    Sound is also not working on this device at all. It is the SAMMIX R95 S905X device referenced in the post linked above. It has a single greyed out sound device in the system settings that references bluetooth, but I don't have bluetooth working for this device. What is the best way to go about troubleshooting this?

    Edited once, last by jasmas (March 2, 2017 at 11:33 PM).

  • Hello,
    I have a big problem.
    I've tried to make the update from an SD card with Amlogic Burn Card Maker but the upgrading screen is always stucked at 5% of the progress bar.
    Everything I've tried is not working, I can't manage to install rv 112, 111, 110 or put back the 109 version.
    I've also tried with Amlogic USB Burning Tool but to no avail.
    I get the following errors:
    - [0x30201006]UBOOT/Disk initialize/Send command/Time out
    - [0x00101004]Erase bootloader/Lowper/Identify/Error result
    - [0x10101002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Identify/USB Control setup error
    There are few questions to ask:
    - Do I need the stock firmware that came with my Mini M8SII box?
    - Where can I find it?
    - Is my Mini box bricked?

    Here is a picture with the box inside:

  • I'm puzzled, This is a LibreELEC forum. If you need help with the Amlogic burning tool to put Android firmware back perhaps the Freaktabs forum would be a better place.

    You could try creating a LibreELEC image on a microsd card, using the Libre image creator, that might be able to get it to boot into LibreELEC

  • I've also tried with LibreELEC-S905X.aarch64- and other versions but to no avail.

    So, it seems this box has a S905X so from here


    choose the krypton or jarvis build

    then using the libreelec sd builder you have created your image??? (I use Rufus)

    then choose your device tree depending on the RAM I think S905X uses gxl, but I am not sure

    Delete the img.dtb on the sd/usb & copy the downloaded device tree to the sd/usb renaming it to dtb.img

    Then with the power to the box off, connect the sd card, hold the reset button in, while connecting the power. wait a few seconds, it should then show the libreelec boot screen.

    If that doesn't work, change the device tree for a different one.

  • Thank you very much for your response.
    I will try and come back with the results.

  • I've tried different builds of LibreELEC with different trees and the same result: not working.
    The blue led of the box is off and the TV screen is black.
    I'm afraid that my box is totally bricked.