Add built-in Java support

  • In folder /storage/.kodi/addons/program.jre/ there must be a file libbluray-j2se-1.0.2.jar (previously it was 1.0.1 version). And you are missing this file.

    The file is actually there but it doesn't load.. Is there a way to debug? To send a manual command to check for error messages?

  • Dear people, dear vpter, thank you so much, I was actually mistaken: instead of the file libbluray-j2se-1.0.2.jar I had indeed libbluray-j2se-1.0.1.jar./

    This file was located at /storage/.kodi/addons/java/ (taken from blob810 his package at Add built-in Java support )

    I just renamed this file to libbluray-j2se-1.0.2.jar and left it at location it already was located at and now BD-J works just fine.

    Satrting up takes quite some time / CPU cycles, but I tested 4 bluray images and all of them worked.

    I will now try with a "regular"libbluray-j2se-1.0.2.jar file and see if it still works.

    Thanks already and heads-up for this great job!

  • Short update: with libbluray-j2se-1.0.2.jar taken from vpeter's package at java-br-menu-generic.x86_64.tgz also works just fine.. I'll have to look at vlc's changelog what would be the difference...

    Great job everyone!

    Would it be a problem to post this solution at the official kodi forum?

    Is there a chance of creating an "official" kodi addon using a official repository so more people can have the benefits of this solution?

    Edited once, last by dafart (December 17, 2018 at 9:24 PM).

  • instead of the file libbluray-j2se-1.0.2.jar I had indeed libbluray-j2se-1.0.1.jar.

    Well, having correct version is probably preferred solution :)

    To bad menu doesn't work for me anymore so can't change addon anymore. Maybe I just don't have correct copy anymore (would need one working ISO or folder structure).

  • I too have that problem with menu buttons not being displayed. I had previously only played the region A edition of Miami Vice (the TV series) on LE, and those discs works perfectly. Now I wanted to play region A edition of Blacklist season one. And those discs menu doesn't work. When I started the disc for the first time I first saw the menu buttons for a couple of seconds. Then the menu background appeared and the buttons disappeared. After that time, when I start the disc, I only see the menu background. No buttons anymore. Seems to me that the problem isn't in the Java addon, but in the disc player of Kodi. It doesn't support every possible BD-J menu variation yet.

  • Maybe this is related to the version of kodi you're using?

    I tried different one's. Even the very old one where I made this addon. I think my movie folder got corrupted somehow.

    I should get one really working copy. Any suggestion which name should I look for a download (don't have any real br)?

  • I tried different one's. Even the very old one where I made this addon. I think my movie folder got corrupted somehow.

    I should get one really working copy. Any suggestion which name should I look for a download (don't have any real br)?

    Just thinking.... Is it possible that there are some Kodi video settings, which disturb the functionality of the BD-J menus? I am thinking about refresh rates, sync, color space, etc. It´s obvious that some folks still have no issues on RPi3 with latest Kodi. Others (like me) see broken functionality.

  • Maybe omx vs videoplayer? On Rpi...

    That is indeed the key issue. When I turn OMX and MMAL hardware acceleration off, many menus work as they should. But the video itself stutters like hell (off course). On my Rpi3B+ it can get almost every menu working when I turn off OMX and MMAL. When I compare OMX vs. MMAL it seems that OMX works slightly better (but far away from good). So it seems clear: hardware video acceleration is disturbing the BD-J menus. BTW: some menus open after ~2 minutes black screen but work properly. So wait...

  • I'm getting the menu on the Blacklist S1 discs. After restarting the discs a couple of times the full menu is shown. The first tries either only the background or background with partial buttons are shown. Strange. Must be the Kodi player has bugs.