netflix addon for kodi 17?

  • Hi, trying to install the following Netflix addon from from asciidiscoonto my LibreElec installation because my old Samsung SmartTv Netflix app doesn't support the subtitles option which I need (i can always hook up my laptop to view Netflix via hdmi cable but this process is getting annoying).

    Here is my configuration :

    Modified HP ChromeBox (x86_64 Celeron 2955U) with LibreELEC 8.2.x includes Kodi 17.x

    A Netflix account.

    asciidisco reports his netflix addon is not compatible with kodi 17 - only kodi 18 as per this github issue because of Widevine decrypting not available in kodi 17.

    How soon will a stable release of Kodi 18 be available? Will it include the needed Widevine? Is there another way using Kodi v18 (Leia) ? Thanks.

  • How soon will a stable release of Kodi 18 be available?

    When it's done

    Is there another way using Kodi v18 (Leia) ?

    Yes, you could install the milhouse nightly builds which are very close to Kodis master branch. But you have to be aware, that Kodi in those builds are in a very early Alpha-state and things might break from time to time. If you are fine with that, then feel free to download the specific update file ...

    for x86 hardware from here: LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 18.0)

    for RaspberryPi from here: LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)

  • I use netflix on the nightly’s happily. Sometimes netflix addon gives error on connecting but reinstalling/reupdate has always resolved this. And you have to follow the nightly thread to keep a lookout for possible issues.

    Must admit that netflix and vpn are only out of the ordinary things I use.

  • I currently have Libreelec 8.2.5 installed and tried upgrading to Milhouse Kodi V18. The update fails saying that the partition size is too small.

    I then tried to create a bootable USB using the USB-SD Creator program, but cannot boot.

    The Milhouse builds have a .tar extension. Can this be used to create a bootable usb, or how do I create a bootable usb from a .tar?


  • leonb It sounds like you have an older OE installation with a smaller 235MB boot partition. Just create a new 8.2.5 install using the USB/SD creator and this will create a 512MB partition. Then you can update to the milhouse image using the .tar file.