Remote power trouble

  • gulp79

    It is not strange, it is normal. Saved on hardware and programming, typical "Made in Chi ....":) I do not think your device supports the real 1067 Mhz.

    Please wait, I will compile another u-boot for you.

  • Sorry to be a pain but never done this before. Managed to connect to the box using WinSCP as per your instructions. To enter the command, presumably I have to start the Console (?) When I enter the command there, however, I get the following error: "Command ... failed with return code 0 and error msg 1+0 records in, 1+0 records out, 8MB copied." I guess that is not what should be happening?

  • Sorry to be a pain but never done this before. Managed to connect to the box using WinSCP as per your instructions. To enter the command, presumably I have to start the Console (?) When I enter the command there, however, I get the following error: "Command ... failed with return code 0 and error msg 1+0 records in, 1+0 records out, 8MB copied." I guess that is not what should be happening?

    copy the complete output from the console and post it here

    use putty instead of winspc

  • Putty same result just no error:

    LibreELEC (community): (S912.arm)

    LibreELEC:~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/env bs=8M count=1 && sync

    1+0 records in

    1+0 records out

    8388608 bytes (8.0MB) copied, 0.145683 seconds, 54.9MB/s

    LibreELEC:~ #

    should I proceed?

  • gulp79

    It is not strange, it is normal. Saved on hardware and programming, typical "Made in Chi ....":) I do not think your device supports the real 1067 Mhz.

    Please wait, I will compile another u-boot for you.

    Download DDR4

    - Get an extra sd card for testing

    - Format this sd card in FAT 32


    sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1 count=442 && sync
    sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 && sync

    boot from sdcard

    short pin 29 and 30 (see 8mQwqj9s3TrgBe) then plug the power adapter into the socket, after ~2 sec. release the pins.

    Edited once, last by bumerc: added a link to the upgrade_mode snapshot (March 29, 2018 at 10:44 AM).

  • that's right:)

  • cheers :) something is telling me this isn't tho (?):

    LibreELEC:~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bootloader

    dd: writing '/dev/bootloader': No space left on device

    8193+0 records in

    8192+0 records out

    4194304 bytes (4.0MB) copied, 0.185862 seconds, 21.5MB/s

    LibreELEC:~ #

  • ehm, me again. the emergency SD card won't boot. what was I supposed to burn on it - the .tar.gz file, the .tar file inside it, or the .img file inside the .tar file?

    when I try to extract the .img file, 7-zip says "cannot open file as tar archive, open as MBR archive." and then "unexpected end of data 1.img"

    the .tar.gz file I was able to burn on the SD card but windows won't then read it and box does nothing when plugged in

    Figured it out. To make your guide even a bit more idiot-proof, the part I missed was 1) you burn the .tar file to the card and 2) you have to start it using the toothpick method. Keep your fingers crossed for the final steps :D

    Edited 3 times, last by tyrol_gangster (March 29, 2018 at 1:28 PM).


    just to add to my previous post that 3) wired connection did not work for me in the emergency system and had to use wifi, 4) in the last section of your code I figured there is a forward slash missing in dd if=dev/zero

  • Sorry, yandex disk automatically compresses the folders in zip format, I did not see that. I will update the link in the installation guide. You only need the * .img file

    LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.90.6-h96pp-emergency-sdcard.img.tar.gz — Яндекс.Диск

    Edit: Try this tutorial, use win32disk manager with "Verify" option. "Verify" is equivalent to the linux command "sync"

    Can i replace "u-boot.bin" inside LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.90.6-h96pp-emergency-sdcard.img.tar.gz with your "" for DDR4 and use the emergency LE instead to short pin 29 and 30?

    So i want to rename "" to "u-boot.bin" and overwrite "u-boot.bin" on "SD card 2" with LE Emergency...