
  • Try to add another channels from the same source (ini fail).Some times the EPG is cached somewhere in your system. If you're using Kodi TVH Client, just clear data cache before testing. System => TV => Clear data and cache. Also after Webgrab is done with your xml file don't forget to restart TVHeadend.

    Try to check EIT Time offset as well.

    Sent from my OnePlus 2 using Tapatalk
    Another try!

    1.Use the ini fail with - 0500 time zone.
    2.Leave EIT time offset unchecked(as it was)
    3.Use mediaportal.xml file instead guide or guid_wgp
    May be TVHeadend doesn't read - 0500 correct.

    Sent from my OnePlus 2 using Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by b_ignatov (February 21, 2017 at 3:57 PM).

  • ignatov,

    Using the mediaportal.xml was an improvement.. now the offset is just one hour instead of five. I uncheck / check the EIT Local Time on THV but did nothing.. ofcourse each time restarting TVH. Also clear cache on Kodi etc.

    I think is time to play with TVH 4.2

  • I think that if you edit your ini fail's time zone with an hour and use media portal.xml everything should be OK.
    If you don't have any trouble with your drivers in 4.2 just try it out.I think that the problem is that your TVHeadend version doesn't read the offset prefix in xml file. That's why you should use media portal.xml. In this file the prefix is added in start / stop programme time.
    Good Luck.

    Sent from my OnePlus 2 using Tapatalk

  • ignatov,

    It is working now with THV 4.2. I ran into some issues while mapping the channels... but I delete all the TVH folders and started all over again and this time it works fine.. EPG Guide is working without doing any changes and using the guide_wpg.xml file from Webgrabplus.

    Thanks a lot for your help.

  • Hi friends,

    Somebody can help me with a shell script that upload the xml guide that the service produces to site like pastebin or github.

    I know that I can create the after.sh shell script in the home folder (/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus/after.sh) to do it, but I don't know write shell scripts.

    Can Somebody give me script that do it ?

    It is not matter which site the script upload the file. but I want that the script upload the file to same location (I mean that the script update the file but the url of the file in the site don't change)

    I see many projects in github that doing it but I don't know how to do it myself. (projects for example GitHub - steventrux/epg: EPG: xmltv for KODI )

    Thank a lot

    Edited once, last by awaw14 (March 31, 2017 at 5:16 PM).

  • Configuration:
    Simply add desired channels in WebGrab++.config.xml in the addon home folder.
    Available channels may be found in the siteini.pack folder in the addon home folder.
    Optionally, edit chans2correct.xml to control xmltv_time_correct.
    Do not edit file names in the configuration files, as this is likely to break service operation.

    First, I apologize if my question below sounds stupid, but I am really stuck.

    OK and I managed to install the WebGrab++ addon. Now, both systemctl status service.webgrabplus and journalctl -u service.webgrabplus return something see the excerpts below. So far, so good. But, how to add desired channels, i.e. directly editing the WebGrab++.config.xml with a plain text editor (vi), from many different countries? The reason I ask is because I was afraid the above statement Do not edit file names in the configuration files, as this is likely to break service operation.. Also, there appears to be two sets of WebGrab++.config.xml file as shown below. Ordinary, I would prefer to change the one under userdata.

    LibreELEC:~ # find .kodi -name WebGrab++.config.xml -print
    LibreELEC:~ #

    journalctl -u service.webgrabplus
    -- Logs begin at Thu 2015-01-01 00:00:29 UTC, end at Sun 2017-04-30 16:09:30 UTC. --
    Jan 01 00:00:30 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Starting WebGrab+Plus...
    Jan 01 00:00:32 LibreELEC sh[2888]: Running timer as unit: webgrabplus.timer
    Jan 01 00:00:32 LibreELEC sh[2888]: Will run service as unit: webgrabplus.service
    Jan 01 00:00:32 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Started WebGrab+Plus.
  • Recently downloaded this, and get this.

    It is strange since there is no file before the process creates it so there can be no other process using it..

    Edited once, last by olskar (June 26, 2017 at 9:35 PM).

  • I have a weird problem with Webgrab+Plus and hope you can help me. I started to use Webgrab Plus with a Libreelec 7.95x Beta Build and it works good, however my system seems to become instable (3-5 reboots/freezes a week!). I thought it was because of the beta builds, so i left it be... however I am the official libreelec builds since weeks and thought this might still be buggy, when I started to deactivate tvheadend server + client + webgrab plus (actually for good luck) and the system went to stable again (running 24/7 for days).

    Then I first reenabled tvheadend server and then tvheadend client without issues (running for 2 weeks), when I finally re-enabled webgrabplus - and the problems began again (first reboot 2 days after enabling, 2 reboots today... Its now running stable again (and I will leave it deactivated for the moment) - however I would like to find this bug and fix it, since I love the way webgrabplus is working :)

    I am using Webgrab Plus on a Rpi3 with RPi2.arm-8.0.2 Release (afaik the latest), I have no illegal plugins or repos installed, I only use a minimal kodi environment with a few tv series an music stored on my hard drive (directly connected via USB) and some addons (skygo, amazan, dazn), all installed from kodinerds (german board) AND the repo from sandman (german Amazon addon developer - leggit, no illegal stuff!).

    I am generating the .xml file every 6 hours and I am trying to parse it with tvheadend every night (works ok!) - I zipped and uploaded the guide, if it helps... also: I found that after re-enabling webgrab+plus sometimes the icons in Kodi are missing (at least for some time). This can be some addon or favorite icons in the home screen, but also the "Kodi" icon was missing some time and one time I got weird sounds instead of the "click" sound during navigating through the menu. Is this maybe connected? Once I could a blank screen after this... but the other times I just waited and everything has gone "ok" again... at least for some time...

    Can Someone try to help me find this bug and fix it? Thank you!



    Edited once, last by Linkinsoldier (July 8, 2017 at 11:18 AM).

  • awiouy

    Couple of minor issues for review/clarification during any improvements/upgrading etc.

    Removing preset value in Add-on settings via Kodi GUI for run after 1st boot or a re-boot works as expected but removed default value re-appears in the Add-on settings when viewed from kodi GUI after removal; even though its definitely removed from settings.xml

    Using an after.sh works as expect for copying guide.xml to another location, but runs significant time after completion of webgrabplus EPG updates i.e. Run job at 04:00 and after.sh performed at 07:00 (Is this as intended?)

    Really great kodi add-on, run daily by me without issue since its release 8)8)


    To add example of the bash scipt, that I included in .kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus


    # copy guide.xml to visible kodi downloads folder with a rename to tvguide.xml
    cp /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus/guide.xml /storage/downloads/tvguide.xml

    Edited once, last by MikeKL (July 20, 2017 at 6:07 PM).

  • Here is a preview of a new revision of the webgrabplus addon.

    THIS PREVIEW WILL RESET EXISTING WEBGRABPLUS SETTINGS (an attempt is made to back them up)


    Backup Attempt:

    The first time webgrabplus.run is run it will attempt to save existing addon settings in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus.backup. It is recommended to backup your settings (from the /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus diretory) to a safe place.

    Programs have been removed:

    WG2MP.exe, xmltv_time_correct.exe and the corresponding scripts have been removed.

    If you need these utilities, download them somewhere on your LibreELEC device and call them with the after.sh or before.sh scripts.

    The user can decide which file is read or updated:

    Specify which file is read or updated in the appropriate config.xml file.

    Settings have changed:

    siteini.pack is updated (replaced) automatically when an update is available online.

    User customisations should be made in siteini.user.

    Priority can be reduced:
    Priority of the WebGrab+Plus.exe may be reduced in the settings of the addon.

    The attached preview should run on all LibreELEC versions.

    Thank you for testing and providing feedback.