DVD fails to start

  • Since I upgraded a well working LE v7.90.010 a DVD fails to start. Not every DVD is affected, just a few.


    • LE v7.90.010 (works well)
    • Windows 10 with Kodi 17.6 (works well)
    • CvH LE 8.2 (fails)
    • milhouse LE 9.0 Build 1208 (fails)


    1. Go into Movies > Titles
    2. Select a DVD movie
    3. Start
    4. Failed, see your logs

    Debug log is attached.

  • I was unable to figure out what version has broken it. On a downgrade it was always broken in every downgraded version. I had no chance to make an install from scratch. I'm on LE9 build 1231 now.

    Based on mediainfo I see no difference between a working and a non-working movie IFO file.

    Additionally I tested a newly created ISO and an ImgBurn to convert a folder to ISO and both cannot played in LE9, too. In Windows 10 Kodi 17.6 the same files from same SMB location work flawless. This DVDs have all orginal menus embedded. The movie does not return an error on kodi screen when started. Log attached.

    How can this debugged to the root cause?

  • CvH and milhouse : I found the LE9 build that broke DVD folders. It is build #0514 from 2017, build #0513 and before are working fine. The issue is always reproducible.

    That took a lot of effort to figure out. I guess over 30 installations. I hope you can fix this very fast with a rollback of the defective component. Looking forward to a test build that works.

  • The logfile you provided above is not a debuglog. Further more, it´s only a logfile snippet.

    The best would be, if you provide a FULL debuglog of the version where it worked and then also provide a debuglog of a version where it doesn´t work.

    The snippets you provided are pretty useless unfortunately. We appreciate the effort you did to figure out which build causes the issue for you. But you have to provide full logfiles each time.

  • Links to internal nas servers, list of all files and paths with personal identifyable information, all tv recording names, internal ip‘s and tons of tooo detailed data I will not share with everyone in public.

    If you need something specific I‘m happy to run tests and share results, but I think the build is now sooo specific that there may be just one commit to dvd nav that make things clear. If not we need to see what is needed and I manually anonymize logs. Dvd nav is hopefully not hardware specific and just software that runs everywhere the same way.

    And than on a pastebin that will never ever be deleted...

  • Or start with a clean minimalist system that shows minimal private information? And nobody cares about your internal LAN IPs - we all have them, and they're all pretty much the same.

    As an alternative to submitting a log, are you able to identify the first nightly build with this issue? Although if the issue is in LE 8 then it's likely the test builds prior to LE 8 are no longer available. :( The oldest nightly build of mine is from 12 months ago, does that have this issue?

  • marc.bau

    I had some time yesterday and I tried to reproduce your problem.

    What I´ve done to reproduce it.

    1.) I downloaded the current milhouse nightly build from yesterday (#0227) and installed that onto my Intel Haswel x86 HTPC.

    2.) I ripped a DVD to its structure (using Windows in that case and AnyDVD). I ripped the complete DVD including its menu.

    Means, that I have a folder, named as the moviename and inside that folder I have a "VIDEO_TS" folder which contains the different files belonging to the DVD structure including the specific ifo file

    3.) I copied the folder locally to my LibreELEC device (some Intel Haswell x86 PC)

    4.) I added the folder, I copied the file to, as a source at Kodis File Manager

    5.) I navigated to the folder (using the File Manager) and navigated directly to first ifo-file and selected it to play.

    Everything works like a charm. Even the menu plays perfectly fine. So...unfortunately we can´t reproduce your issue. I talked to milhouse yesterday about your thread here and we tried to find out what the difference between you and me might be.

    So, if you mind spending some more time to get nearer to your problem please tell us exactly what you do. Starting by how you rip the DVD (which software, which settings for that software ect....)

    Also please try to put your DVD structure in an ISO file and see if that works better. I suggested that above already but you haven´t tried that yet.

    Then also please explain the exact steps what you do to play the file.

    From my side and for what I can tell, the option to play DVDs even if you chose to play the ifo-file, works perfectly fine

  • Not every dvd is affected.

    Try Aristocats or Arielle in German. The rips have been done long time ago. I think this was done with redfox 7.9. Default settings if I remember correctly. Make a full rip with all menus as you have already done. If you have any better suggestion I can try a different software...

    Please keep in mind that the same folders work without issues on a different Windows client with Kodi 17.6 without issues and the htpc with older versions of openelec and libreelec. From my point of view this clearly shows a bug in the current dvd nav software. Difficult to identify, but something goes wrong there and I can also share fresh logs or put dvd nav into debug mode if you may tell me how this can be done.

    I tried with converting to iso, same result.

    Edited once, last by marc.bau (March 2, 2018 at 8:41 PM).

  • As I don't have those dvds, it would be nice if you could upload a sample somewhere.

    To be clear. I have about 400 DVDs as ISOs (mostly with menus) and none of them fail to play. Unfortunately I don't have those you mentioned. So it would be nice if you could offer some example.

    You could also send me a link to an uploaded file via PM if you don't mind.

    It's not that we don't believe you. It's more that we can't reproduce.

  • It's not that we don't believe you. It's more that we can't reproduce.

    How could we?

    As I don't have those dvds, it would be nice if you could upload a sample somewhere.

    You never gave us some full log files (because YOU don´t want that), you don´t provide samples, we can´t reproduce your issue (and we tried hard to do. We tried native discs, we tried DVD ISOs and we tried DVD folders navigating to the IFO-file and using that for playback and I (personally) re-ripped multiple DVDs in hope to get one which fails, which wasn´t the case)...so yeah, for the given combination of the mentioned things, we can´t do anything for you. Sorry.