is executed after network is down

  • Hello people,
    according to this thread (LibreELEC) David1977 recommended me to file this bug report in order to develop a fix for the following issue, in short words:

    The is running after network is done, which lets LE freeze at shutdown when a script or a command in the needs the network connection.

    So it is in my case in order to shut my NAS down at the same time LE powers off. Which is quite handy for me.

    So hopefully someone can find the issue, which is probably solveable when we can fix the point in the systemD thing which causes the problem.

    Ok so i hope i could make this clear and im looking forward to solve this.

    The only thing i could find is that the problem already seemed to appeared some time ago (systemd does not wait for /storage/.config/ · Issue #3111 · OpenELEC/ · GitHub).
    There are a lot of services btw. on LibreElec JLjd4GV8

  • The closest thing to fix this issue was new service /storage/.config/system.d/kodi-reboot.service ( always gets reboot parameter):

    But for some reason it didn't work 100% reliably.

  • Could you tell me where the service actually is that you´re editing? So i could try it by myself as well.

    I have got a tip from systemD IRC, the guy thinks that the following line could help us.


    Maybe you can try it?

  • Sorry but i have to disappoint you. I have tried it and reactivated my shutdown. sh with the following content:

    It´s not working with your script, cause it´s not shutting down the NAS. When i insert this line it does shut down the NAS, but LE won´t poweroff completely:


    Going with the command directly and without the doesn´t help me either.

    So i guess we are on the right path.

    Here are some pics from the TV:

    I have changed the following line from your example as well:

    ExecStop=-/bin/sh -c ". /etc/profile; exec /bin/sh /storage/.config/"

    With this change he won´t even shutdown the NAS and LE.

  • Like I wrote I didn't used existed kodi reboot service just to sure that something doesn't interfere with new service.

    That's why I used NEW service shutdown_with_net.service and NEW script This script is executed on reboot and shutdown and doesn't support arguments.

    Also I think your current shutdown. sh script has errors.

  • Ok got it. I filled the with the content of the and now it powers off everything as it should.

    Big thanks vpeter!!

    Is this permanent then? If so a hint in the Wiki would be nice, that if someone is running in the same direction and needs network from within the is not getting into the same trouble as i did, don´t you think?

  • Is this permanent then? If so a hint in the Wiki would be nice, that if someone is running in the same direction and needs network from within the is not getting into the same trouble as i did, don´t you think?

    Now that you are the first user let's test this and report if works as it should in a few days. Then we will see how to proceed.

    Edited once, last by vpeter (April 27, 2016 at 6:15 PM).

  • To run different things on reboot and shutdown this few lines can help:

    if /usr/bin/systemctl list-jobs | /bin/egrep -q '*start' > /dev/null; then
      # reboot
      # shutdown

  • To run different things on reboot and shutdown this few lines can help:

    if /usr/bin/systemctl list-jobs | /bin/egrep -q '*start' > /dev/null; then
      # reboot
      # shutdown

    I tried this, and somehow it is not working.-.
    The is running, but if I try to put my command in the shutdown else branch it's not working..
    You got an Idea, that I should try?
    And thanks for that workaround^^