Where is config.txt

  • Everything says "edit config.txt" but nowhere does it say where this file exists on the system. Nowhere. I mean I went to like 10 web pages and they all say "edit config.txt" and you know what? When I log in via SSH there is no config.txt. Where is it?

  • Everything says "edit config.txt" but nowhere does it say where this file exists on the system. Nowhere. I mean I went to like 10 web pages and they all say "edit config.txt" and you know what? When I log in via SSH there is no config.txt. Where is it?

    Are you using a pi? It wil be /flash/config.txt

    By default /flash is mounted read-only so you need to:

    mount -o remount,rw /flash

    before you can edit it.

  • I actually saw that page but it didn't describe things well enough. I believe you should explain (as popcornmix does) that the file "resides in /flash but is read-only" and then proceed with directions on how to mount it r/w, edit it, then remount as read only.

    If you use "The config.txt file is located in /flash" somewhere in the wiki, then people will find the page when they look for "location of config.txt file" or something along those line.

    Just an idea :) thanks for the hard work!!

  • Except he specified he wanted specific instructions on 'how', which is already there. Unless the wiki was edited after this post, I can't see how it could be any better.

  • If you can't figure out that remounting flash as read/write and running "nano /flash/config.txt"
    means you're dealing with a file in flash then the second option - take it out and stick it in a pc to edit - is still there. The page is fine.

    Edited once, last by trogggy (July 23, 2016 at 1:35 PM).

  • I actually saw that page but it didn't describe things well enough. I believe you should explain (as popcornmix does) that the file "resides in /flash but is read-only" and then proceed with directions on how to mount it r/w, edit it, then remount as read only.

    If you use "The config.txt file is located in /flash" somewhere in the wiki, then people will find the page when they look for "location of config.txt file" or something along those line.

    Just an idea thanks for the hard work!!

    Well....we have a main wiki page: LibreELEC

    At this page, you will see a "RaspberryPi Section" which links to: Raspberry Pi - LibreELEC

    At this section, there is table of content on the top right where "config.txt" is mentioned....

    So, tbh, I don't know how much clearer it could be


    I believe you should explain (as popcornmix does) that the file "resides in /flash but is read-only

    From our wiki for the "why":


    As LibreELEC is generally a read-only system and you don't have write permissions to the system partition, you need to get those permissions first

    and then:


    Now you have to change the permissions again:

    So I guess it's explained very well . If one has something to improve, feel free
    Last change for the wiki at 22.6.2016 by me ;): Revision history of "Config.txt" - LibreELEC

  • I have installed LibreElec in Pine64 RockPro64 board.

    The wiki ( Raspberry Pi Config.txt [LibreELEC.wiki] ) is clear but in /flash I can't find config.txt:

    LibreElec64:/flash # ls -lah
    total 150M
    drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root       16.0K Jan  1  1970 .
    drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         191 Mar  3 22:57 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       18.3M Mar  3 22:59 KERNEL
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          48 Mar  3 22:59 KERNEL.md5
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      131.6M Mar  3 23:59 SYSTEM
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          48 Mar  3 22:59 SYSTEM.md5
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        8.0K Mar  3 22:59 extlinux
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       91.3K Mar  3 22:59 rk3399-rockpro64.dtb

    I have read the title ;) and I think layout for Raspberry differs from RockPro board.

    I'm missing something?

    I'd like to solve this problem but I can't figure out where those options are stored for Rockchip.

    Thank you,


  • /flash/extlinux/extlinux.conf is not an equivalent to config.txt (RPi config commands won't work) but if you follow the instructions for Intel GPUs here Custom EDID [LibreELEC.wiki] the same process for forcing a specific edid.bin file (so the kernel drm framework always thinks an HDMI device is connected and powered) should work - Allwinner boards are also using the same kernel drm framework.

  • /flash/extlinux/extlinux.conf is not an equivalent to config.txt (RPi config commands won't work) but if you follow the instructions for Intel GPUs here Custom EDID [LibreELEC.wiki] the same process for forcing a specific edid.bin file (so the kernel drm framework always thinks an HDMI device is connected and powered) should work - Allwinner boards are also using the same kernel drm framework.

    When i use this command on my allwinner H3 setup it does create a .bin file but it does not use that when booting. So when I boot with my tv off and turn the tv on after a couple of minutes I get blackscreen (the tv does detect the 1080p output)

  • update: i tried again and this time i got stuck in the uboot the last line said "end kernel panic init not found" something like that. so what i did was insert another sd card with le and edit the extlinux.conf file of emmc install. after doing this booting back up it boots and the output resolutiin is of the tv but the video signal looks stretched (im using an hdmi monitor with 4:3 aspect ratio and the resolution 1280x1024) tried changing the resolution in kodi but that didnt help