Transmission settings with Docker

  • Hi all!
    I've installed transmission-daemon with Docker, everything works fine except when I change some settings in the web page. After reboot, it takes the default settings, overwriting all of my custom config.

    What can I do?

  • Same problem here, even with stopping the transmission client, editing the json file, and starting it again, it just reverts to the original settings.

    Plus, I can't seem to see the downloaded files in their directory? Very strange. The files are completed and seeding, yet I can't see the files in the directory, as if they are hidden.

    Edited once, last by coendeurloo (August 9, 2016 at 1:28 PM).

  • Same problem here, even with stopping the transmission client, editing the json file, and starting it again, it just reverts to the original settings.

    Plus, I can't seem to see the downloaded files in their directory? Very strange. The files are completed and seeding, yet I can't see the files in the directory, as if they are hidden.

    I know it's late, but in case others face the same problem:

    - check the main thread here: LibreELEC
    - the jason file (should be /storage/transmission/config/settings.json) contains the password (you can change the password here)
    - don't pay attention to directories showed in the transmission web client
    - other settings, for example directories, have to be done in the service file (transmission.service)
    In my case the transmission.service is here --> /storage/.config/system.d/transmission.service and this is the content:

    Description=%p container
    ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c "mkdir -p /media/New_Volume/%p/watch /media/New_Volume/%p/downloads /media/New_Volume/%p/incomplete /storage/%p/config"
    ExecStart=/storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker/bin/docker run \
    --rm \
    --name=%p \
    --hostname=libreelec-%p \
    --volume=/media/New_Volume/%p/watch:/watch \
    --volume=/media/New_Volume/%p/downloads:/downloads \
    --volume=/media/New_Volume/%p/incomplete:/incomplete \
    --volume=/storage/%p/config:/config \
    --publish=9091:9091 \
    --publish=51413:45555 \
    ExecStop=/storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker/bin/docker stop %p[Install]

    - %p stands for "transmission"
    - in my case it is an external usb drive
    - don't put spaces in the path

  • Hi,

    I get errors when I do systemctl start transmission.service

    Please help.

    Error and service files as follows:

    The contents of my service file are as below:

  • Even I can't get the settings to survive a reboot. Not just the settings, even the downloaded content starts from 0% after restart.

    My config folder is in /storage/.kodi/userdata and the downloads folder is on a hard disk in the box permanently hooked up.