kszaq You will be glad to know i have identified what is causing the Ethernet Bug on my "MiniMX" and confirm the problem is something during cold boot and "only" cold boot.
Today i was able to bring back the ethernet when it was lost after cold boot by doing the following procedure in sequence.
I have wifi turned off in both Android and LibreELEC during the cold boot up.
Box boots up from cold and there is no ethernet no network connection whatsoever.
I run LE from SD so i go to LE settings and there is only the option of WIFI to activate.
No wired connection option. It is missing.
I then pull the ETHERNET cable out and then Re-Insert it.
I immediately noticed on my Power Over Ethernet unit the signal throughput lights started to flash.
I then used my remote to Reboot and once box booted up IT CONNECTED VIA ETHERNET.
Did this 10 times and it worked 10 times.
I also want to confirm that i have ELIMINATED my power over ethernet adapter as maybe being the cause as i tested the box with straight ethernet and the problem was there as well.
This procedure works in Android too , as i took the LE SD card out and did exactly the same thing in pulling out and re-inserting the ethernet cable and rebooting.
Bang the Ethernet hooked up immediately .
So the conclusion is that Ethernet is not recognised during a cold boot either in Android or LibreELEC.
The FIX i have been able to come up with works.
So unless our Genius kszaq can give me one of his magic script commands i am stuck with this Bug.
Thanks for reading.