Irrelevant Kodi Omega (on Ubuntu) post

  • The big reason I am using LibreELEC after MANY years of running Kodi under Ubuntu desktop is that they have totally f'ed up something in the latest version of Kodi and it will immediately crash if you try to play certain types of files. In particular if you have a satellite TV backend such as Tvheadend and it records programs to .ts files from a satellite feed, certain channels will consistently and immediately crash Kodi every time you attempt play them (though other channels play just fine). I believe the ones that crash are the ones that use HEVC and h265 encoding (if that makes any sense) but don't hold me to that. This does not happen in the 21.2.0 version of Kodi that you are using but it definitely does happen in the version being offered on flathub for Ubuntu (starting about one week ago).

  • The correct place to report/warn/moan about a Kodi flathub issues is .. the Kodi forum. And if you expect some form of help there, you will need to provide some technical details on versions (of Ubuntu, flathub, etc.) and logs that show what the problem is, else it's just heresay and rumour and there's nothing for the Kodi mods/devs to investigate.

    NB: I've edited the thread title because it was too long to read in a single breath. I'll try to remember to bin the thread in 24-48h.

  • HEVC live playback from tvheadend on intel platforms is also a problem on Libreelec.

    Libreelec however doesn't crash, it just doesn't play the video.

    The problem is a combination of the tvheadend live stream and Hevc via VAAPI.

    The workarounds on LE: record the program and watch the recording (quasi live with a delay of a 2-2s), or switch to using http protocol and lose time shift.

    It's been reported long ago and being worked on e.g. here: Disney+ Addon not playing properly the stream when VAAPI is enabled · Issue #25383 · xbmc/xbmc