If anyone has any info on any workaround please share.
Not very familiar with Simple IPTV client but see if there is an option to add additional debug messages to log from the add-on settings. See what the addon is doing just before the freeze occurs. I notice that your freezes seem to occur close to the half hour.
I had the same problem in the past using MythPVR. Haven't had the issue since 8.0.1b, but I did narrow it down while testing 8.0.1a.
When a channel changes to a new program (ie- from Local News to Seinfeld) on the hour/half hour mythtv ends and expires one file and starts a new recording for the currently playing program. So there is a handoff from streaming one file to another on a program change. There is a very, very slight delay when this happens and it was during these handoffs that Kodi was freezing. I didn't happen on every program change but maybe 3-4 times a day if the TV was on continuously.
I made a lot of improvements to my mythtv box to speed up the system and reduce latency. This helped, but did not entirely solve the problem on 8.0.0 builds through 8.0.1a. As of 8.0.1.b-c the freezes have disappeared. I do sometimes notice a slight glitch in the playback on the handoff such as skipped frames or a moment of black screen, but playback resumes normally in a second or so.
I know work on the MythPVR addon has been fairly active since the Krypton release. AFAIK the addons were updated for 8.0.1a but not since, so I have no idea what changed in 8.0.1b that solved my problem.
It seems to me that Krypton is very sensitive to any stream interruption whatsoever and doesn't handle it gracefully.