NICE!! i am compiling it right now
also the packages that have "none" or "" you cn just use the PKG_SITE value and they will compile
does sound work for you? if not, its because asound.conf is missing
edit: for me, it does not compile with just -ldl. it needs -ldl and -lm
I left both switches also...
I need to do some (a lot) of config changes to ES and Retroarch.
ES quits on start, complains about missing stuff (remote, roms, etc). But at least it does not crash.
I'll zip it all for you to take a look and perhaps help with the config changes.
Nice work .
So in all: Clone kszaq's repo (8.0.0c), then copy the entire xmedia folder from your repo in to Libreelec/packages (first), and then merge everything included in my zip.
A lot of game packages in the zip, simply have the source url changed, the ones from your repo didn't work.
Haven't messed with the PKG_SITE values, need to figure out what needs changing in ES config.