Posts by elonesna

    In the Kodi articles about analog radio it is already explained that this is full of incompatibilities and exaggerated process requirements for analog to digital conversion, that is, not usable in practice.

    In relation to the VHF band, I challenge you to tell me the name of a single public TV broadcast that broadcasts in this band in ATSC, DTMB, DVB-T/DVB-T2 and ISDB-T digital format anywhere in the world ( I obviously exclude military and industrial applications). Will not be able!

    With Surshark VPN enabled SSH into the device and type 'ifconfig' then you will see all the IP addresses of your device; your router knows the ethernet and wifi range. Those are the addresses to use remotely.

    Added: I forgot to say that if you connect to your Asus server from a home network with the same range of IP addresses as you have on the Asus home network, there may be conflicts and not work. In this case change the address range of your home network (for example, from to

    ... But when i’m connected to my home network via VPN, i cannot see Vero4k or access NAS etc. I can do that only, if i disconnect Vero 4k from the Surfshark VPN. Any hints? Thank you.

    First check that your OpenVPN server settings allow access to your home network.

    Second, stop using device names and use IP addresses to find devices.

    I saw an ad from ThePiHut for a SCART adapter for RPi4. I think the SCART spec included CEC but what's the chances of LibreElec working with it?

    Just hoping for informed opinion rather than absolute certainty, especially about a piece of kit that's in pre-order status.

    I quote: "The CEC bus is a one-wire, “party line” protocol that connects up to ten (10) AV devices through standard HDMI cables."

    Forget about CEC running on a totally different wiring system like SCART!

    It seems to me that you are not in the right forum, very old hardware with very new software equals guaranteed failure. Try to start the Windows Media Player that comes with the installed operating system, I'm sure you'll be able to do very interesting things with the old Windows XP.

    Found it emmctool but device not supported - any way to do force installation to nand?

    LibreELEC can be installed in the internal memory in a very simple way: Once LE is booted from a 2/4/8/16GB flash memory, and after using the ssh df and blkid commands to know the names of the internal partition (/dev/data) and LE partition storage (/dev/sda2), the following commands can be used:

    systemctl stop kodi

    e2label /dev/data "STORAGE"

    e2label /dev/sda2 "EXT-STORAGE"


    From now on, the STORAGE partition is in internal memory, mixed with Android/Linux directories or whatever, and the device flies, although there is always the risk of messing up the internal OS by a factory reset in LE , or messing up LE by a factory reset of the internal OS.

    In summary, LibreELEC can be started on a device with other operating systems from a flash memory and use as storage space any disk partition, internal or external, called STORAGE. The LE external drive is only used at boot time, then it is loaded into memory and is no longer used, so I recommend using a small external memory.

    Note.- This has only been tested on CoreELEC, it should also work on LibreELEC.

    I think your problem is that your RPi4 is capable of HEVC decoding but your tablet and phone are not.

    This would be fixed with transcoding but there is a problem, recent Intel/Amd processors with enough power are needed for this job. And the easiest way to implement it would be through a UPnP service (Plex, Jellyfin, ...).

    In other words, the answer to your question is NO.

    ... I am very new to docker and can't find a way to use portainer ...

    Sorry, I've done a lot of portainer installations and never had a problem.

    • If you have problems start with a clean installation of Docker first and Portainer second. To do this uninstall both, remove any trace of the directories /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.system.docker and Portainer (whose name I don't remember because I don't use the installation addon of this addon).
    • Reboot the device.
    • Install Docker again and reboot the device.
    • Install Portainer again and reboot the device.
    • Create a username and password for Portainer on the web http://<device-ip>:9000
    • Explore the contents of Portainer: I use it to manage other installed containers: stop, start, delete containers and docker images, also to explore linux commands inside containers, delete volumes, ..., in relation to networks I don't need use this for nothing. Instead of using docker volumes I always mount the external storage containers in /storage/.config/dockers, /storage, and /media of LibreELEC.

    Install 'portainer', access 'portainer' via http://<ip-of-your-libreelec>:9000 and go to 'Containers', remove all your 'transmission' containers, go to 'Volumes' and remove all, go to 'Networks' and remove all that you can delete, go to 'Images' and remove all those that are in 'Unused' state.

    Then install your 'transmission' container again.

    I did as you say (I think) but it doesn't work. I have to save the files in external hdd, "nas"

     -v /var/media/nas/film/config:/config \
    -v /var/media/nas/film:/downloads \
    -v /var/media/nas/Film/watch:/watch \

    Your problem is that you don't know almost everything about docker. I understand that there are very bad manuals for users that define docker as "an open-source project that automates the deployment of software applications inside containers by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of OS-level virtualization on Linux" and this does not nothing helps.

    I will try to define things in another way:

    (1) Docker is an environment for executing other applications or systems called 'containers' with an iron control of access to system resources (hardware, networks, storage, ...)

    (2) A 'container' is an executable package generated by docker when executing commands are applied to other packages called 'images'. This allows the user to customize the way the docker 'image' works and its interaction with the environment (hardware, networks, storage, ...)

    (3) A docker 'image' is a package created by an application programmer to be used under 'docker'. If you are not a programmer you may never need to create a docker 'image'. Inside a docker 'image' there is nothing real, everything is virtual (directories, files, networks, ...).

    Now I answer your question:

    To modify the 'container' "9091-transmission" you need (1) stop the execution of this container (docker stop ...), (2) after you have to delete it (docker rm ...), (3) then it can be It is convenient to delete the 'images' that are not being used by any 'container' (docker rmi ...), and (4) finally execute the docker command to create a new 'container' with the command line modified to your taste. To get the full list of commands just type 'docker'.

    To install 'pihole' from the command line you don't have to do anything special, just run the SSH installation command once. You don't need to use 'cron' or any other command. My 'pihole' has been running non-stop for over a year and is automatically updated via the 'containrrr/watchtower' docker container (my general updater for all my containers that I manually launch once a week and run only once).

    A year ago I had the same problem and my solution was to use 'root' in syncthing. Regarding 'samba' I did not see any possibility to use more users and I configured hidden directories in '/storage/.config/samba.conf', later when I met the docker container drakkan / sftpgo (server SSH / SFTP / FTP / WebDAB) I definitely stopped using samba.

    My 'syncthing' install SSH command is:

    My 'sftpgo' install SSH command is:

    but you will have to find the usage and setup instructions at and at

    Sorry, I don't use Plex but I can answer something. First, forget about using Putty in this case, if you want to explore directories and transfer files I recommend FileZilla or WinSCP, and Notepad ++ for editing files. If you have installed the Plex addon then the Plex directories are in /storage/.kodi/addons and the addons settings are in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data.

    Sorry if I did not answer your question exactly. I have never used an addon to install pihole because it is very easy to run this SSH command once that does the same thing:

    Hi everyone,

    I'm on 10.0.1 and I'm having trouble trouble with high cpu usage while downloading and uploading: anyone with the same trouble? Suggestion?

    I've already limited download and upload speed as well as the number of peer connection(50 per torrent, 250 total) , but it seems to not working.

    Moreover I've installed the transmission control panel addon to stop torrent while playback, but it seems to not working properly... Nothing stops, even though it's configured correctly....

    Now I am using docker transmission after testing docker qbittorrent, which I dropped because it was using more CPU. The use of torrent clients is always problematic, it is a banned software in many sites that undergoes attacks without compassion on the part of big companies. In short, don't be surprised if you have problems. Advice I give you when for me I do not have!: My maximum torrent upload speed setting is only 1 kB/s, my system DNS filter is greater than 1,250,000 domains and also with Trend Micro protection, I have UPnP disabled, I have no open ports on the router, and when I finish the download I disconnect the torrent sharing. Still docker transmission works quite well for me using very little CPU.

    My little experience of many years with kodi, LE, CE and Android tells me that when audio delay occurs the problem is related to hardware video decoding and/or processor power. Introducing a permanent delay in the kodi system is not the solution because usually the SD contents work well (the patch would advance the sound in many cases), and they are decoded without problems.

    I can only say that on my cheap LE 9.2.6 x86_64 server, which can only hardware decode h264 and h265 content up to 1920x1080 and it works fine. If I want to watch 4K content without hearing the noise of the server fans or use kodi 19, I have to use my small and cheap clients with CE or Android 9.

    Merry Christmas!