Yes, I've tested both files with my H96pro+ and only the gxm_q200_2g.dtb work good, because with the gxm_q201_2g.dtb I didn't get an ethernet network connection. So for me is only the gxm_q200_2g.dtb the right dtb.img!
Yes, I've tested both files with my H96pro+ and only the gxm_q200_2g.dtb work good, because with the gxm_q201_2g.dtb I didn't get an ethernet network connection. So for me is only the gxm_q200_2g.dtb the right dtb.img!
As far as I can tell there is some differences for usb-otg/ sdcard and ethernet.
Okay, then I will test with both files and look which works better for me!
Thanks for your great job!
I can boot with gxm_q200_2g.dtb and also with gxm_q201_2g.dtb, without any issues.
But do you know the difference between both files?
I have a H96pro+ with an Amlogic S912 and the installation of the new LE-8.90.4 was without any issues and works very well. Great job!
But I've one question:
In the device_trees folder for S912 I found the "gxm_q200_2g.dtb" and the "gxm_q201_2g.dtb"
What is the different between "gxm_q200_2g.dtb" and the "gxm_q201_2g.dtb"?
Which shall I use for my H96pro+ ?
I believe 200= s905 & 201=s905x
No, both are in the device_trees folder for s912!
Have anyone another idea or know what's are the different between "gxm_q200_2g.dtb" and the "gxm_q201_2g.dtb"?
What is the different between "gxm_q200_2g.dtb" and the "gxm_q201_2g.dtb" in the new device_trees folder?
Could anyone with a 4K-HDR-TV give me an answer to my questions at post #407 ?
Yes. It makes a great LibreELEC device, 4k, bla bla,
Does 4K with HLG-HDR works with this Box under LE?
My H96pro+ 2/16GB can't replay 4k HLG-HDR, only "normal" 4K HDR10 with LE- Does it works with LE-8.90.3?
If I boot with Android, then 4K with HLG-HDR works!
my english isn't especially good (I'm from Germany), but I mean the same things as you say!
He boots only from the SD-card and not from an internal boot.
But this isn't an option for me, because i want use Android from time to time!
I tried to install libreelec to internal memory but that failed. so I am not running a working android version on the box anymore.
I think this is the important point!
You've use only LE and have no other OS installed on your box!
Most important thing here is the Android ROM with the "u-boot" component.
With shutdown from Android I can start my Box without any issues to Android or LE with my Remote control. What ever I want.
But when shutdown from LE, I can't start my H96pro+ over my Remote control! I can only start the box when I'm plug off/on the power cable!
For my opinion this is an LE issue!?
There are more users of an Alfawise H96pro+ with the Power ON issue, include myself!
I have an Alfawise H96pro+ with 2/16GB using [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912 and these gxm_q200_2g.dtb from here!
Im starting LE from a micro-SD-card, because sometimes I'm using also Android!
This is when I'm looking LiveTV with UHD with HLG-HDR (channel TravelXP 4K). UHD with HLG-HDR don't work with Libreelec, only with Android!
I've found some differences between shutdown under Android and under Libreelec, if i was measuring the current consumption:
Shutdown from Android, the current is significant lower then 10mA (I can't measure that with my USB device)
Shutdown from Libreelec, the current is apprx. 50mA
If I make a shutdown from Android, then I can start the box with my remote control, but nothing if I do that from Libreelec.
Sorry for my english, thats not my first language!
Also I am unable to power the box on by the remote. Is there any hope for a fix / workaround to avoid having unplug and plug the power cable each time I want to use the damn thing,?
I have the same issue with my Alfawise H96pro+ 2GB/16GB Android-7.1.2
I'm also very interested on a solution for this, but I don't know what can I do?
If I boot with Android and make a shutdown (blue light is OFF), I can do Power ON with my IR-Remote to restart with libreelec without any issues.
But If I boot with Libreelec- and I make a shutdown over the KODI shutdown menu, I can't restart the box with my IR-Remote!
Only with plug off/on my power cable I can restart the box!
In the attachment you will find my used remot.conf.