Thanks. I'm using 2.0B hdmi cables so this is not a problem. The AVR just received firmware update, will try to look more on this side.
Posts by adam.h.
So here is the log file.
LE was set to passthrough and I tested these samples:
1. SampleA-EAC3-JOC - worked fine
2. SampleB-EAC3-JOC - worked fine
3. SampleC-AC3 - muted
4. SampleD-MLP-FBA16 - worked fine
5. SampleE-EAC3 - worked fine
6. SampleF-AC3/DTS - muted on AC3 stream, worked fine with DTS stream
Let me know if you need more.
Right, this is: [NUC]--hdmi--[AVR]--hdmi--[TV], attaching also front and back views. Nope, no such "HD-Audio DSP" option.
I can log into NUC with putty, should I check for anything in the logs?
So I was looking for some older threads, including this one referenced by GDPR-7 and tried to find and disable famous "HD-Audio DSP" option in the bios, but it seems than newer NUC devices do not have that option (see attached).
Is there anything else which I can check or do in LE to troubleshoot this?
That was quick, comparing to my previous efforts
So under genuine Win 10 these Intel updaters worked fine and flashed my hdmi firmware without any problems.
And LE-11.0-devel passthrough is still not working with my AVR. Ughh.
So here is the update:
- Booted it from MediCat USB as CvH suggested (btw. this is really amazing tool, but I did not use "official" installer as my Windows raised security threats). Anyways I booted into its "mini Win 10" but these Intel tools showed exactly the same errors.
- So I gave up with the attempt to update it via usb stick. I found unused M.2 SSD in my drawer, I will replace it in the NUC and go regular way - install Win 10 and run updaters.
So I tried to use win-to-go usb stick to run Win 10 out of it and execute that hdmi patch from Intel (as this exec is running only from Win 10) - hoping that this approach will not jeopardize my LE setup there.
What a pain! Tried with 32 and 64 bits Win 10 recovery disk, then official Win 10 iso images (again 32 and 64 bits) which Rufus can use to build win-to-go usb stick - and neither worked properly, they did not want to boot or were crashing soon after booting. Finally it booted nicely from HirenPE, and then (obviously) Intel tools started failing, I suppose as Hiren is missing specific NUC drivers.
So here is my collection so far - screenshot and the log file:
Code: LogGfx Selection = 0 Graphics adapter initialization - NVIDIA: failed! (-2) Graphics adapter initialization - AMD: Loading DLL failed! Graphics adapter initialization - Intel (LS-PCON): failed! (-2147221164) Graphics adapter initialization failed! [Chip Information] Reset Bobcat failed!
Hiren seems to have option to add custom drivers, but the problem with NUC is that most of these drivers are in a form of exe file which just need to be executed on the device. Ughh.
Thank you all. I suppose I will need to find some slot next week and try to update hdmi firmware and see if that changes anything here.
I wonder if that passthrough problem isn't related to the NUC itself? I updated bios at the end of 2021, but I see now that in March 2021 Intel released also HDMI Firmware Update, which I'm sure I'm missing on my NUC as that update tool needs Win10 to run properly.
Any Guru here to point me into some direction with this?
Well, I tried LE-10.0.2 on my NUC10i5FNH box and it did not discover any audio device, bummer. I'm using AVR over the HDMI.
So I switched to last SMP build LE-11.0-devel and at least it discovered my audio device. There are some other problems (not sure if this is just my AVR setup or something else), but I can live with that:
- pasthrough mode is not working for some audio streams, so I disabled it completely:
- E-AC-3 JOC with forced mode gives muted dialog channel, while stream without forced mode seems to work fine
- AC-3 is muted completely
- with disabled passthrough audio these streams work fine
- HDR is shuttering.
Is there any option in LE setup to disable/ignore HDR?
- pasthrough mode is not working for some audio streams, so I disabled it completely:
buy logitech smart hub or similar device, it will allow you to use single remote for all devices and can start them in proper sequence (like: TV, then AVR, then RPi), you can also add delays between these devices if needed.
in my case single button on the remote starts the sequence which is switching on TV, AVR, RPi and then switching the pilot to mixed AVR/Kodi mode - volume buttons work for AVR, while other buttons work for Kodi, the whole startup sequence takes around 15-20 secs.
If anyone is interested, still the same issue with LibreElec 9.2. I suppose when I would format the drive to exFAT then probably would not see this issue anymore.
hah, switch on-off advice if there is anyone capable to investigate that issue, I'm ready to help - just let me know what logs do you need...
ok, so either I'm reporting an non-issue or nobody here is capable to help - what is the story?
Yes, ADATA SD700 512GB
I suppose I posted my problem into wrong section so I would appreciate if that can be moved/merged here.
it seems that last stable release of ntfs-3g driver was in March 2017, perhaps this is related?
but why it works fine on Intel? automatic unmount works differently on RPi and Intel?
ouch, all hw experts are on vacations?