Posts by adam.h.

    here it is:

    Some more debug info:

    I have issue to connect SDD to Raspi - initially I thought it is related to low power, but even when connecting it via USB hub this is still failing - any clues?

    And who was the rest of the OE team by your oppinion? Who helped to get solid base.

    heh, thanks for supporting my point of view I mean I suppose all this is clear for the gang of you 10 (20? 50?) who went for this fork. The rest of the community should suppose to guess it? Should they know more? Should they care? I think you need to answer these questions if you are going to build some community around your project. My hint here would be to compare Kodi Team page (Team Kodi/Members - Official Kodi Wiki) versus yours Team page (The Team - LibreELEC). Does it give any thoughts?

    My thinking is that if you went under the banner of "libre" probably you wanted something better than freedom from sraue? If so then lack of transparency is kind of contradicting message.

    and please don't get me wrong. I'm not here to preach or complain to support sraue. As I said in the first post, I gave you my first impressions after quickly browsing your pages and not being involved in any of these "divorce" events at all. Also please remember that I generously offered the option to ignore my thoughts


    I was awaiting for new OpenELEC release and surprisingly found that you forked it to the LibreELEC. It took me few moments to understand what had happened to my beloved project, so here are my thoughts (feel free to ignore):

    1. I think you should more emphasize the fact, that your fresh green fork comes from the solid root/base work of sraue (and the rest of OE team). There is something mentioned on the "About" page, but in my opinion it is not enough - you could simply list 10 github commiters (with # of updated lines of code) at the time when you did the fork to create LibreELEC, to make the clear point.

    2. Also, I think you should say few words of why you did this fork. This could help people to understand your approach and concerns. I spend unnecesary time looking for reasons and the best what I found was this: LibreELEC (fork of OpenELEC) : kodi You might want to elaborate it more on your own ground instead of keeping the "why" questions open...

    3. Looking on all this I think that OpenELEC just grown beyond the point when one man can control it in reasonable way. So it looks that what you did is the right thing (considering you will not give up with the balance between having latest Kodi releases and keeping LibreELEC rock solid at the same time. Keeping my fingers for it.

    4. I'm not sure if sraue will be ever able to accept this coup. Perhaps not. But perhaps some time in the future he will find that good things come out of it. Or perhaps your fork will die slowly by that time. Whatever will bring the future, I would keep the Lead Architect chair for sraue in LibreELEC if he will change his mind, and accept that now there is no single man in charge, but some council and that things are moving on, even when he is out of the town.

    So looking on the reddit emails my thougts was that it went somehow personal, which is unavoidable when things are growing up. I hope this will endup in better product, because I'm just another selfish user of OE/LE who wants to have low cost great cinema experience in the home