I have an Otto box MXQ 4k Pro.
After flashing a USB stick and inserting it to "USB 4", LE boots without me pushing the inside reset button (toothpick method).
Everything works (using gxbb_p200_1G_100M.dtb).
The problem is, I can't find a way to flash it "inside". The "installtointernal" script reports errors and after investigating I see no trace of any internal storage device.
For example:
LibreELEC:~ # ls /dev/disk/by-id/
usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530202061104107552-0:0 usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530202061104107552-0:0-part1 usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Fit_4C530202061104107552-0:0-part2
LibreELEC:~ #
The only device is my usb stick. There is no /dev/system or /dev/data. The internal flash just doesn't show up anywhere I look.
If I remove the usb stick and power on I get to Android.
Any ideas ?
Thank you in advance !
A little update:
I have flashed TWRP, booted into TWRP and tried from there.
My plan was to wipe data/dalvik/cache and then to flash the "boot" and "system" partitions.
But for some reason, TWRP cannot see the internal storage either ! When wiping, it reports errors and doesn't wipe anything. Same when trying to flash a zip.
May it be that I have a completely messed up MXQ Pro device or something ?
I see people having problems getting to boot from SD/USB, mine boots from if it's bootable automatically... I didnt see any posts mentioning anything remotely close to what I experience...
Update 2:
It seems that the only place where I can access the internal storage is the Android system. I cannot flash from there (can't flash system when running from system).
But I can flash bootloader and recovery (TWRP flashing worked).
What I am wondering is what component is responsible for that kind of behavior. Bootloader or some weird device tree.
In case it is a bootloader, I should be able to reflash it from running Android system.
In case it is the device tree, I can pull it from there while running Android and use it to run LE and installtointernal. If I pull the dtb file from the Android, where can I read about what should I alter to make it LE compatible ?