Can not connect to my SMB NAS

  • Hi,

    Yesterday I installed LibreELEC for the first time, coming from different builds of Kodi earlier (latest KodiBuntu) on my Intel NUC.

    But now I have as a simple problem as getting my Kodi connect to my NAS over SMB. I tried to connect my shares with static IP's, and server name and paths, but nothing works.

    Nothing is changed in my router or NAS since previous build of Kodi that worked fine yesterday.

    Here is the log: MaJZ

    Edit: I should probably mention that I can browse my network/SMB share, and mount paths for my content, but then when scanning starts it says that it can't connect to the share. Edit.

    I hope you can help me spread some light to this, and please let me know if there is any other info you need from me.

    Edited 2 times, last by sys-x (August 13, 2017 at 10:33 PM).

  • Is your NAS a synology? I was able to fix my problem by going to Control Panel > File Services > Windows File Service Advanced Settings > Enable Local Master Browser.

    This was on my syno nas though.

  • I don't know what user Kodibuntu uses but Libreelec uses root - has root got access to your smb share.

    Can you mount the share via the command line?

    On you server can you check that the parameter "min protocol" is not set to SMB2

    I can connect to my NAS (Arch Linux) without any issues - but it is an open system.

  • I found a very helpful site that solved my problem. I want to share it here for future reference:

    In Kodi try:
    Add network location > Protocol = Windows SMB > Server Name = IP address of the server PLUS then put :445 on the end (this is the SMB TCP Port Number) > OK
    Eg >
    Usernames and password may be required.
    Then select the smb://ip.address.of.server from the list again to add your shares.

    Source: HERE

  • Same here updated to 8.1.0 and all of a sudden my LE has %H as name en i can not connect to it anymore from my window machine

    when i connect with winscp and check nothing has changed


    server string = MEDIA

  • If you are seeing %H there is a custom samba.conf in use and you need to update it to be based on the new Samba4 template. Basically there is a conflict with Samba 3 configuration and this causes Samba to not start correctly. There is a comment in the release notes that directs people to do this, but as nobody reads release notes I guess most will discover it the hard way.

  • If you are seeing %H there is a custom samba.conf in use and you need to update it to be based on the new Samba4 template. Basically there is a conflict with Samba 3 configuration and this causes Samba to not start correctly. There is a comment in the release notes that directs people to do this, but as nobody reads release notes I guess most will discover it the hard way.

    I have the same issues with the latest release and I did read the release notes.

    Also tried to comment 2 times on the original release post but none of these did got posted for some reason.

    Tried manual update and clean install on Raspberry Pi 2.

    SMB running on Apple Timecapsule (latest firmware).

    Any suggestions? :)


    I belive this is a Apple issue since they started using AFP as a standard for time machine backups.

    Earlier my disk was mounted as SMB, now it's AFP...

    Apple support again ("Geniuses").

    Edited once, last by andre3030 (August 20, 2017 at 5:37 PM).