Posts by andre3030

    If you are seeing %H there is a custom samba.conf in use and you need to update it to be based on the new Samba4 template. Basically there is a conflict with Samba 3 configuration and this causes Samba to not start correctly. There is a comment in the release notes that directs people to do this, but as nobody reads release notes I guess most will discover it the hard way.

    I have the same issues with the latest release and I did read the release notes.

    Also tried to comment 2 times on the original release post but none of these did got posted for some reason.

    Tried manual update and clean install on Raspberry Pi 2.

    SMB running on Apple Timecapsule (latest firmware).

    Any suggestions? :)


    I belive this is a Apple issue since they started using AFP as a standard for time machine backups.

    Earlier my disk was mounted as SMB, now it's AFP...

    Apple support again ("Geniuses").

    I've been using LibreELEC now for only 1 week and I'm really satisfied!
    Everything works smooth, from bluetooth adapters, addons to smb shares and bluetooth audio.
    My music collection is now finallyup and running.

    Thank you!

    Coming from OSMC, this is a dream!

    Keep up the good work!
    All the best