CuboxTv works with Wifi but not Ethernet

  • As per the title, I have 3 CuboxTVs, all running 8.0.2

    2 are connected via Wifi dongles, the main box is connected via an Ethernet cable directly to my router.

    We are soon to be upgraded from ADSL1 to VDSL+ and in anticipation of this and not wanting to have to buy a new expensive VDSL+ router to replace my existing expensive ADSL router I purchased a cheap VDSL+ router which I have enabled in Bridged Mode and connected through my Archer D7 router that I have put into "Wireless Router" mode, disabling its internal modem.

    Everything was going swimmingly, except that the cuboxTV that connects directly to the router via an ethernet cable no longer works. When starting up I just get spinning circles on the movies/TV pages.

    I have my content and a mysql database on my FreeNAS NAS.

    NAS IP is

    mysql IP is

    I have tried:

    * Swapping ethernet cables

    * Swapping CuboxTV boxes

    * Swapping the Ethernet cable out from the router to a switch that I have connected to the router

    * Plugging one of the Wifi dongles into the "not working" CuboxTV - this made things work!

    When the CuboxTV is connected via Ethernet:

    * I can see it has an IP address on the libreelec configuration page

    * I can ssh into the box

    * Within the SSH session, I can ping the NAS and mySQL IP addresses

    * I can see the folders on the CuboxTV through windows explorer, but if I try to navigate to any of the folders it times out

    I have seen a few much older reports of similar issues on different hardware.

    I've attached the log in the hope that there might be something in there that will help to solve this.

    I was just about to run new cable through the roof to get a solid ethernet connection to the other two boxes as my wifi coverage isn't the greatest, but this sort of kills that idea unless I can find a fix!

  • What speed is set on cubox? You can see with command

    ethtool eth0

    If not set to 100mbit force it with command

    ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg on

    I think this is already done in image but worth to try.

  • Sorry yes meant to mention that it is indeed set to 100mbit. This must have changed in the image as I used to do it manually but it appears to be set to that automatically now.

  • Well, seems networking is basically working. Can you try to download something on cuboxtv

    curl -o dummy.dl
    rm dummy.dl

    and look for the speed. Is it steady? If it is then I'm not sure what is causing your problems.

  • More info ... I have done a LOT of googling and found people with similar issues but not seemingly the same cause.

    I switched my router back into modem mode, connected the phone line to the ADSL port and kodi started working through the ethernet connection.

    Changed nothing other than putting the router back into wifi router mode with a PPPOE connection through my bridged modem and it stopped working again.

    Some things I noticed.

    Through Ethernet connection when "broken" using bridged modem

    from the kodi box, I can ping my router, my PC and the NAS but I cannot ping

    Through Wifi connection when connected through bridged modem

    from the kodi box, I can ping my router, my PC and the NAS and also ping

    Through Ethernet connection when "working" using integrated modem/router

    from the kodi box, I can ping my router, my PC and the NAS and also ping

    I was using address reservation in my router so that I'd have known IPs for my three Kodi devices, I have removed these (based on a suggestion from elsewhere) and it did not help.

    I have noticed that when in the bridged configuration that on the Network status page although it is showing the IP address etc the MAC address is showing as "Busy"

  • It sounds like a routing issue; either the router is not routing between Ethernet and WAN interfaces when in wireless bridge mode or the DHCP server isn't providing a gateway so you can only ping things within the local subnet. If LE works when the router configuration is rather points the finger at the router being the issue is (which isn't our domain of expertise) not LE.

    My personal preference has always been to aim for the least number of boxes vs. trying to eek out value in old purchases. I'd get the new expensive single-box VDSL+ router and eBay the old one to partially offset the cost.

  • I agree it sounds like a router issue.

    If I were you I would do the following:

    1. Check the NAT settings on the router.
    2. Factory reset the router and then reconfigure it.
    3. Try a different router with the same modem.