im wondering can i create a seperate partition on my HDD for LIBREELEC curently i have Windows 10 along side Lubuntu Zesty. and now i want to have a triple boot option so windows 10 and Lubuntu and LIBREELEC
libreelec ubuntu
beeasy79 -
May 27, 2017 at 5:20 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
You need two partitions, one for the boot files and a second for the persistent /storage area.
do i create them or does it create them when i boot off the usb
or install using terminal and where would i find my device tree file in my folders for ubuntu
- Official Post
You need to create two partitions ~ 512MB and 8GB are good sizes if media is stored somewhere else. Format both as ext4 and put the boot files (KERNEL and SYSTEM from an installer USB) in the first partition. Then configure your bootloader along the lines of the syslinux.conf file you'll find on the bootable USB. Do not install from the USB as this will nuke the contents of whatever device you point it to ~ it assumes LE is the only OS and it does not support installation to a blank partition like some general purpose distros do.
- Official Post
Diving in the archive I found this post: dual boot setup