[BUG] S905X Krypton: Horrible banding in 10 Bit videos

  • Maybe I will switch back to MM kernel until mainline support is possible.

    Great idea. From the beginning I thought there is
    something odd about the new kernel (elements?).

    There was less irritation with the older kernel. Also
    a reason some users still hang on 7j or 8a. I must
    admit, I am using a second setup with 7j, too, while
    using the newest (8l) on the other. So, I would gladly
    test a 8l with older kernel.

    What is wrong with that forum software? :D

    Edited once, last by sYCO (May 22, 2017 at 8:35 AM).

  • My build finished: s905x build with MM kernel


    8.0.1l with MM kernel (freshly rebased on latest LE kernel): Index of /s905/8.0.1l-mm/

    Both your builds somehow mess up accessing the box via LAN in Windows.

    I could always access all previous builds when I just entered the IP in the Win Explorer (\\xxx.xxx.x.xx) - to copy tar files in the update folder.
    That's not possible with either Krypton MM build.

    I got around it by accessing the mSD via my NAS, but I assume others might not have that option...

  • Installed the version with mm kernel and the banding is gone, no skipped or dropped frames in a high bitrate video either. So far so good;)

    Edited once, last by makakam (May 22, 2017 at 5:14 PM).

  • Both your builds somehow mess up accessing the box via LAN in Windows.

    I could always access all previous builds when I just entered the IP in the Win Explorer (\\xxx.xxx.x.xx) - to copy tar files in the update folder.
    That's not possible with either Krypton MM build.

    I got around it by accessing the mSD via my NAS, but I assume others might not have that option...

    Turn on the samba sharing in Libreelec menu. Default in this builds is OFF.

  • Turn on the samba sharing in Libreelec menu. Default in this builds is OFF.

    Wow, this is embarrassing - I could have thought of that myself. :D
    I just did not think of it because the defaults always stayed the same during the previous builds... :rolleyes:

    Anyhow - thank you. :)

  • Glad to see MM kernel back! I think sticking to the MM kernel would be a great idea and then that gives you some breathing room for developing the Nougat kernel. Can always just release the Nougats as "dev" releases for testing while the majority of users stick on the MM build.

    Seeing the whole Nougat kernel would be pretty impressive, but I imagine it would require extensive patching and there would be a lot more "noise" from the community about bugs/things not working. That noise tends to slow down development rather than help it due to high rates of user error, confusion, improper procedure, which get mistakenly reported as bugs, causing poor Kszaq to spend time looking for bugs/issues that may not even exist. xD

  • I used 8.0.1l-mm all day yesterday and I'm very close to finally replacing Jarvis on the NAND. :)
    Thank you so much for building this MM Krypton koenkooi and kszaq!

    There are still a few frame skips here and there triggered by opening the overlay or pausing, but that's ok - those do not disturb the viewing experience. :)

    ...I always use Unpause Jumpback anyhow...

    I still had no time for UHD HDR testing, but I promise to do that within the next few day.

  • jd17 Try a high bitrate BD structure to play and make some chapter change or ff, rw.

    For me it's completely unusable on the same box.

    Black picture, green vertical lines random stops and other anomalies.

    Jarvis works flawless with the same BD (BARAKA ~47GB).

  • When I tried to take a video of the strange behaviour (after a restart) suddenly everything is fine.

    I cannot reproduce the previous problems right now.

    I use Jarvis on emmc and this 8.0.1l-mm on sd card.

  • I know that HDR is not being output 1:1 as it should in, but it looks fine to me. Not too different from the TV's internal media player to be honest.

    I have to withdraw that statement (and my previous statements on the matter).
    I chose another UHD HDR sample video to compare to the internal media player again...
    My usual sample was too colorful and flashy, so I let myself be fooled.

    Although HDR is triggered and seems to work fine, the colors are definitely off, so I assume BT.2020 is not being passed to the TV.
    That goes for both and 8.0.1l-mm.

    Apart from that - UHD works fine with the MM build.
    There are no more black screens / signal losses.
    8.0.1l-mm causes frame skips, where would pause and rebuffer.
    I think both are network limitations however.

  • You are right, bt2020 isn't triggered but you can select it manually from the tv's menu, at least I can on my Panasonic tv.

    Shouldn't it give the same output?

  • Hi,

    I still have color banding issues, no matter which source/quality (4K HDR10, HD 8Bit).

    I got also issues in dark scenes. I changed several settings in the TV, but it didn't help.

    Low quality of the source material couldnt be the cause.

    I'm using a Khadas Vim1 with Leia (now Beta 1). My TV is a LG OLED 65 B7.

    Is there anything I can do to fix this? I got myself the VIM because its officially supported. Everthing runs smooth, but the picture quality...

