Execute script on shutdown by timer

  • Hello

    I use LibreELEC 8.0.1 with the vu+ pvr client. Most of the time I want to shutdown the pvr server (a linux box in another room), when I shutdown LibreELEC. This works with the approach from thread-107-post-1367.html#pid1367

    If I shut down LibreELEC with the menu entry in the log out menu (or the mapped key on my remote), the shutdown_with_net.sh script is executed and everything works as expected. But if I try to shutdown with a timer (e.g. set the timer to 5 min), the script is not called.
    The regular shutdown.sh approach also does not work, because I have to execute the script before the network of LibreELEC is disconnected and shutdown.sh is called after the network is disconnected. The same applies to the KODI Callback addon, if I execute a regular shutdown, everything works as expected, but if I try a shutdown timer, the script is not called.

    Does someone here have a working solution to call a script when LibreELEC shuts down by timer or is this a problem in KODI, that shutdown by timer and shutdown by menu entry don't call the same events


  • I don't have an answer but can't your run a script on the pvr server to ping your kodi box(es) and if the ping is not successful after a number of attempts/minutes (i.e. Denouncing reboots, network glitches) then shut it down?

  • Thanks for the feedback and thanks vpeter for the shutdown_with_net service in general. I have no clue about systemd, so your work was a lifesaver for me

    You are right, the script is also executed with shutdown timer. I have integrated some logging and can see the script is executed. The script has no dynamic parts and its the same script, so I have no clue why it's working if called by button and not working if called by timer. At least now I know that everything works in LibreELEC and I have to search on server side


  • Thanks vpeter, but pastebin would be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

    There is only one command in my file
    wget powerstate?newstate=0
    This command sends a standby to my pvr. I will try a few params, curl instead of wget, ip instead of url and check the return value, perhaps that gives me a clue whats wrong when using a timer

  • Thanks vpeter, but pastebin would be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.


    For testing I had 20 ping's to some server and I saw all 20 of them on it. Meaning network was available to send pings.
    Your command should also work fine. No idea why it fail.