Connection dissapears after reboot

  • Hi there

    Today i decided to convert my Gigabyte Brixx mini pc (celeron one) to LibreElec (i had used it on an old laptop before with no isses).

    Upon installing it i connected to my wifi, no issues.

    Then i configured it and copied the advanced.xml file i use on my other kodi devices for the mariadb central sync stuff.

    After rebooting i noticed i had no media magically appear as usual.

    Then i noticed i had nothing listed in the "connection" tab (Where you can see info about the wired conection or the available wireless networks.

    Switching off and on sometimes makes it come back.
    De-powering the box for a few secs makes it work even more often.

    Why could this be happening ? T_T

    I reseted system and configured again, to the same end result (i saw my media once).

  • I am having the same issue. I found if I disable wireless network before I shut down or restart. Once it's restarted & I enable wireless network, connection show up.

    Start with enabling 'Wait for network' at all times in the LibreELEC Settings add-on.

    That never helped me either. I even tried max wait time.

    Edited once, last by Jesse_01 (May 13, 2017 at 4:52 AM).

  • Hi Chewitt,

    I've also had this problem for several releases.

    Given I have no connections on a 'bad' boot, and thus cannot ssh into the LE/Kodi box, how do I enable boot logging such that I can get a log of "journalctl -b -1 --no-pager | paste".

    i.e. boot -1 not boot -0?

    Then I could compare the outputs to see the differences, else paste the URL to it here?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Chewitt,

    Any input on how to access previous boots (i.e. those before the last successful boot) so that I can provide logs on whatever is preventing LibreElec from starting with good wifi connections most of the time. Sometimes I have to reboot it maybe 10 times before I get a good boot. Once I have the good boot (and thus remote access to the system again) how do I get logs of the previous bad boots?
