disks unmounting during playback on LE 8.0.1

  • Brand new Shuttle PC 286 64 architecture running LE 8.0.1. Beauty...

    Apart from disks that worked fine on the old Chromebox are suddenly and it appears randomly unmounting during playback.
    Can't tell if it is playback related or just timed. Has anyone seen this and found a tweak or way to fix?
    Have enabled all debugging but not sure what to look for and in which log file.
    Anyone seen something like this?
    Grateful for any hints!
    Looking at the kodi log it is an 8 core and all cores are running around 50 % when playing back some test stuff at 4K and 60fps.
    What is odd is that the final post on the GUI says that CPU-KODI is over 200% - 300%.
    That looks wrong... can it be right?

    Edited once, last by houser (April 27, 2017 at 9:40 PM).

  • Run


    and post the url.
    Usual reason for unexpected unmounting is a power issue. How are they powered and what type of drives?

    To check cpu usage, install LE system-tools and run nmon, this will give a true CPU value.

    4K and HEVC will use much more CPU than normal files.

    Try playing "normal" files DVD, x264 and see if you have a CPU issue.

    It might help to give more details about your Shuttle PC 286 as Mr Google doesn't know much about it.